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Star reloading riser

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Star reloading riser Empty Star reloading riser

Post by Multiracer Mon May 14, 2018 11:23 am

Any of you fine craftsmen built a riser for the nine inch cast aluminum base ? I feel the need to raise the machines about two inches.
Lets see some ideas.......before I laminate a bunch of marine plywood.


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Star reloading riser Empty Re: Star reloading riser

Post by Chris Miceli Mon May 14, 2018 11:25 am

I have the Inline Fab Micro Mount, i believe its 4". I can get a pic tonight after work.

Chris Miceli

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Star reloading riser Empty Re: Star reloading riser

Post by john bickar Mon May 14, 2018 11:02 pm

A pair of 2x4s unless I’m misunderstanding the question.
john bickar
john bickar

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Star reloading riser Empty Re: Star reloading riser

Post by Multiracer Tue May 15, 2018 5:29 am

john bickar wrote:A pair of 2x4s unless I’m misunderstanding the question.

Crude, but serves the purpose.
Thanks fellas


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Star reloading riser Empty Re: Star reloading riser

Post by viperrt10 Tue May 15, 2018 10:10 pm

Take an old wine or whiskey barrel. Cut a door in it and install hinges and a latch. Use inside for a small shop vac for powder spills, or for storage.  Put the Star base plate on top of barrel end and drill 4 holes into barrel end using Star Al. baseplate as guide. Install four 5 inchx1/4 bolts that are fully threaded from the inside of barrel . Secure with a nut ffom outside of barrel. Install  3 in by 1/2 inch galvanized pipe over the protruding 1/4 inch riser bolts . Secure the galvanized pipe to a galvanized threaded base with four bolts drilled through the barrel end.  You can now level the base of the Star by just screw adjusting the 3 in riser pipes. Put the Star base over the 1/4 bolts protruding through the 1/2 in galvanized pipe and secure with wing nuts. .....This raises the Star about 3 inches . The barrel end is recessed and so your loaded shells don't fall off. The whole set up is heavy but u can roll it all over your gun room/garage.  It's cheap to do, looks really sharp and I can remove my .45 Star and replace it with my .32 Star in about one minute.      If I figure out how to post pictures maybe that would help you...I'll see what I can do......Howard


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Join date : 2013-07-26

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