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I look for shop

tonton christobal
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I look for shop  Empty I look for shop

Post by tonton christobal 5/19/2018, 12:46 am

I am a french shooter and for a 1911 I use parts from Ed Brown, Wilson, Hogue, springs from Wolf .
In september I have to make a trip in America.
Can you tell me where I can buy for this items in Las Vegas, Amarillo, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga or Altanta.
Thank you in advance
Tonton Christobal
Excuse my english... I am French...

Last edited by tonton christobal on 5/19/2018, 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
tonton christobal
tonton christobal

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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by LenV 5/19/2018, 12:56 am

Check out this site..   www.gunshowtrader.com/gunshows/nevada/

or this...  www.gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/atlanta-gun-and-knife-show/

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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by Bullseye_Stan 5/19/2018, 6:36 am

For one-stop-shopping several companies are available that sell parts made by Ed Brown, Wilson, Hogue, and Wolf; however they are internet based (i.e. mail order).  Brownells is one and Midway another.  Brownells has a french (nation) website: https://www.brownells.fr/.  If you have an address suitable for receiving in the US (and it can be a company or residence) a money order mailed to Brownells or Midway should allow them to ship whatever parts or items to that address when using their order form. 

Certainly, as Len mentioned, check the gun show websites to see if any are on your route.  Unfortunately, even the bigger gun stores I've been to often don't carry a good selection of parts, grips, or springs.  But someone else may know of stores around Memphis, Nashville, or Chattanooga that have a good selection of parts and such.  Times change, and (computer catalog) mail order - which is how many US companies such as Sears, Montgomery Ward and others started in the 1800's - has reemerged as the way to get consumer goods.

p.s. If you decide to use a money order, it's probably best to wait until you're in the states so the postmark will be in the US.


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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by Keyholed 5/19/2018, 6:45 am

I was actually just about to suggest what Stan did--order online, and arrange to have the parts delivered during your stay. You're just not going to find the stuff you want at a gun show or a shop, I'm afraid.

You might be able to find somebody to make the order for you, PayPal them the money, and then arrange for a pick-up. Or you could call ahead to your hotels and ask if they would be willing to receive a package for you. I don't think you'd have a problem with parts.

Alternatively, UPS stores will receive packages. My local one charges, I believe, $5 a box.


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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by Wobbley 5/19/2018, 8:10 am

Most hotels will receive a package for you as well.  

If you’re going to be in Nashville, Champions Choice is in a SE suburb of Nashville and might have the specialty items you cannot get elsewhere.   You could rent a car or Uber to their store.


Bienvenue aux Etats Unis.

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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by tonton christobal 5/19/2018, 8:37 am

Wobbley wrote:Most hotels will receive a package for you as well.  

If you’re going to be in Nashville, Champions Choice is in a SE suburb of Nashville and might have the specialty items you cannot get elsewhere.   You could rent a car or Uber to their store.


Bienvenue aux Etats Unis.

I know champion's Store 
3 years ago i have buy a "strong case" but they don't solde 1911 parts

sure I have a car for my trip 
I have make 25 ou more trips in USA but the problem is iI stay 2 or 3 days in the same place.

When I was shooting compétition in Fort Benning or in Atlanta it was possible to order I was during one week or more for olympic 96 in Atlanta but it is not the same for september
2 years ago I was at Brownells shop 

Thank you for yours ansers

tonton christobal
tonton christobal

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I look for shop  Empty Re: I look for shop

Post by BE Mike 5/19/2018, 8:53 am

Make sure that the items you want to go back with you are legal to do so. This link might be helpful. https://www.brownells.com/aspx/general/international_sales.aspx
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