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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by hwevers 5/24/2018, 9:42 am

I recently was given a (cardboard) container ol Bullseye powder. Is there any difference in charge weights between the old and the new?

Thanks in advance.

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by jmdavis 5/24/2018, 10:02 am

I would say that it depends on storage and moisture. A given volume may weigh more because it has attracted more moisture. Using the same volume with two different lots, one unopened and one used for 3 years the weight can vary. I haven't seen the results vary though. 

We have experts on here who can explain it better.

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by 243winxb 5/24/2018, 10:47 am

I just started checking weigh by volume between old and new lots. 

IMR 4198 ( 18.5 gr vs 19.6 gr.)  and Alliant 2400 (13.0 vs 13.6).  Sorry no Bullseye yet. 

There will be a difference in weight, old being lighter.  Why? My guess is some of the solvents evaporate in the older powders.  Or outgassing??

[url=http://www.firearmsid.com/Feature Articles/McCord_gunpowder/]http://www.firearmsid.com/Feature%20Articles/McCord_gunpowder/[/url]

Last edited by 243winxb on 5/24/2018, 10:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by jmdavis 5/24/2018, 10:52 am

My older powder is heavier. But that may be a result of living in the humid mid atlantic. The difference is generally .1 grains or so.

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by LenV 5/24/2018, 11:15 am

I wonder if the weight makes any difference if your throwing a charge with your hopper. My Lee drops X amount of powder every time I throw the handle. I don't weigh it anymore. I weighed it once to confirm chart versus actual but never saw a reason to retest. YMMV


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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by fc60 5/24/2018, 11:33 am


I have used several lots of Bullseye over the years.

They do vary in velocity with the same charge weight.

The only way to fine tune your ammo is with a chronograph.



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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by jmdavis 5/24/2018, 11:59 am


Do they vary with the same volume? You may be one of the few civilians not working for a manufacturer who can answer that with certainty.

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by Chris Miceli 5/24/2018, 12:15 pm

jmdavis wrote:Dave, 

Do they vary with the same volume? You may be one of the few civilians not working for a manufacturer who can answer that with certainty.
you can have weight/volume deviations based on lots as well. I asked Hodgdon and they told me up to 15% variation from lot to lot.

Chris Miceli

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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by fc60 5/24/2018, 7:29 pm


I have not kept track of the variations.

I recall that 1.6 grains of Bullseye Lot #536 showed the same velocity as 1.7 grains of Bullseye Lot #669.

Every time I change lots, out comes the chronograph.



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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by GerhardG 9/17/2019, 7:24 pm

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

I have used several lots of Bullseye over the years.

They do vary in velocity with the same charge weight.

The only way to fine tune your ammo is with a chronograph.


Amen Sir


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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by BE Mike 9/18/2019, 7:52 am

I started reloading using Hercules Bullseye decades ago. The same load of 2.7 grains of newer Bullseye still works well under a 148 gr. HBWC in a .38 SPL cartridge. If the powder has been properly stored, it will perform well. There are much better things to worry about in this game, like, "Did I dry fire today?" And since you are asking, yes, the old nickel plated vs. naked brass Winchester primers work equally well.Laughing BTW, I made it to outdoor master without a chronograph. I did use the Ransom Rest for 50 yard testing.
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new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye Empty Re: new Bullseye powder vs. old Bullseye

Post by Larry2520 9/18/2019, 5:48 pm

I would say unless you're a high master you wouldn't notice the difference.


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