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Buying a new trigger

james r chapman
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Buying a new trigger - Page 2 Empty Buying a new trigger

Post by mikemyers 5/31/2018, 11:49 pm

First topic message reminder :

Lots of discussions about having a trigger on your 1911 that fits your hand, rather than the other way around.  I'd like to get some basic information about this.

Suppose I wanted to buy a new trigger for my 1911, maybe longer, maybe shorter.  Let's say, I wanted this one:
Buying a new trigger - Page 2 190_1

Do I just disassemble my gun, and drop this one in, replacing whatever I had before?
Does anything need to be hand fitted to work properly with the gun?
Is it a "standard", so all the different triggers are essentially interchangeable, like with grips?
Does it in any way effect the trigger pull, increasing or decreasing the pressure needed to fire?

Are there things one would consider, even if it did drop right in, to get it to feel the best it can?  If one wanted a longer or shorter trigger, what other options might one want to know about?  Is the width of the trigger something that varies?   Maybe I should be asking Jon, if he were installing it, what other things he might do to make it better.

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Buying a new trigger - Page 2 Empty trigger

Post by rich.tullo 6/5/2018, 7:25 pm


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Buying a new trigger - Page 2 Empty Re: Buying a new trigger

Post by rich.tullo 6/5/2018, 7:50 pm

I like trigger shoes and tried them all. I like the Ace  but not the C3, if you can find them the R20 is the size to get. Its narrower and shorter than the C3 and will not rub on the frame. 

When talking trigger shoes weight for me is a huge consideration because I use one on a 22lr and under #3 you want the least amount of weight possible and I don't have the skill to drill them out and do it right. 


These are good and you can fit them a little to make sure you have enough clearance and they are not rubbing on the frame. 

They do not feel as good as Franks's but they work and enable me to apply nice pressure on the trigger. 


Posts : 1989
Join date : 2015-03-27

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