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"The Tour"

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"The Tour" Empty "The Tour"

Post by ScottSimmonds 7/22/2012, 7:43 am

Golf has the pro tour. Tennis too. On a certain week of a certain month everyone knows where the best will be competing.

What is our sport's tour?

Clearly Perry...

Id like to think that the weekend after Labor Day's stop is my club's Lobster Match (Scarborough Maine)

--In February there is the AZ Desert Midwinter Match

--Canton OH the week before The National Matches

--I have heard of a big match in Hawaii every year - don't know when or where.

I know the service teams have a schedule of matches running up to Perry

I'm looking to build a list of multi-day shooting events that run every year where there are more than 50 competitors show up.

There are certainly lists of matches out there. Our club holds 4 2700's during the year. None are of the level of competition or "excitement" of the Lobster Match. None attract the national talent that our lobster match attracts.

Horse racing has it's "Triple Crown." Maybe we can build something similar in our sport.

Scott Simmonds
Saco Maine


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Age : 64
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"The Tour" Empty Re: "The Tour"

Post by bullseyepistol 7/22/2012, 11:53 pm

Golf also has television coverage and million dollar purses. The Nationals at Camp Perry operate at a loss. We need to keep it real. Very Happy

Last edited by bullseyepistol on 7/23/2012, 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 57
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"The Tour" Empty Re: "The Tour"

Post by DavidR 7/23/2012, 12:47 pm

I think everyone does there own tour, i hit as many of the surrounding states state matches and regionals as i can. Canton and perry is the crown in the season if you can do them too.

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