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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

bruce martindale
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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 7:28 am

Online registration is a non working website. It allows you to enter your NRA number, fill in the first set of blanks and then NADA !

Is there a place to download a registration form to mail in ?


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by bruce martindale 6/11/2018, 9:06 am

Is online registration closed?

bruce martindale

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 10:47 am

No, but the site to register is fubar and there is no online forms to print out.


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by dronning 6/11/2018, 10:51 am

Are you sure you are on the right page because I just went through registration all the way to paying and it worked fine.  Do you have cookies blocked?

National Matches Registration page:

- Dave

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 4:28 pm

I used two different PCs, home and work. Let me try again now that I am back in the office.


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 4:32 pm

WTF am I missing? That is the site.
I enter my NRA number fill in all boxes...get to the blue box on the bottom that says next and NADA nothing changes ?


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by CR10X 6/11/2018, 4:35 pm

Did you check the box that you understand the terms and conditions.....?


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 5:30 pm

Yes sir


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by CR10X 6/11/2018, 7:38 pm

i"m already registered, but even if I do not even a NRA ID, just click on the box to enter the pistol match and accepting the terms and conditions, it takes me to to the next page. 



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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/11/2018, 8:34 pm

Just tried it again,it will go to the next page, I fill in all the required blanks, hit the " next " button and it does nothing.
I am stumped, I visit and fill out web stuff all the time.


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by CR10X 6/12/2018, 5:29 am

Just trying to help you track down your issue, so asking another question. 

Are you talking about the second page for name, address, etc?

I'm getting through that one as well, even without a NRA number. 



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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/12/2018, 5:40 am

Yes, I can make it to the second page, fill it all in and then go to click next and NADA happens.


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by jglenn21 6/12/2018, 8:36 am

What browser are you using

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Chris Miceli 6/12/2018, 8:49 am

clear browser data?

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by dronning 6/12/2018, 9:01 am

Chris Miceli wrote:clear browser data?
I just went all the way to pay again, everything works fine.  I tried it with both Firefox & Chrome.  Are you running some type of blocker? 
- Dave

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/12/2018, 7:40 pm

I use Chrome at home and here at work is old IE.
Still nothing !!


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/12/2018, 8:54 pm

OK, who has some inside info to contact NRA technical ?
I just had my daughter try from her laptop and her telephone from another location....same crap ! NADA !!!!


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by dronning 6/12/2018, 9:45 pm

Multiracer wrote:OK, who has some inside info to contact NRA technical ?
I just had my daughter try from her laptop and her telephone from another location....same crap !  NADA !!!!
I've entered all my info on several of my systems & 4 different browsers and they all work just fine.  The only thing I can think of there might be something wrong with your competitor number.
Try entering it on the lookup page and see if it returns your info

- Dave

Last edited by dronning on 6/13/2018, 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/13/2018, 5:37 am

I also tried without the number.  Same results.


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by CR10X 6/13/2018, 5:53 am

Still works for me, all the way thorough.

So why don't you just click on the "Entry Form" link and just send it in?

Just go to the "Championship Calendars & Registration" page, click on the line "National Pistol Matches, Camp Perry, OH (July 9-13, 2018) (rather than the Register online link).   On the next page will be a menu with "Entry Form".  



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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by willnewton 6/13/2018, 7:12 am

Multiracer wrote:OK, who has some inside info to contact NRA technical ?
I just had my daughter try from her laptop and her telephone from another location....same crap !  NADA !!!!

(800) 672-3888

Why don’t you try the NRA telephone number?

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/13/2018, 9:06 am

Left a message last week, had a friend call and leave a message this week.....today competitions called me back. Seems they have random problems with their website. She is e mailing a PDF so I can enter. Thanks for all your help guys.Ron


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by dronning 6/13/2018, 9:31 am

Here ya go

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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by Multiracer 6/13/2018, 9:52 am

Where did you find that ?


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Can someone please turn the NRA computer on .... Empty Re: Can someone please turn the NRA computer on ....

Post by willnewton 6/13/2018, 10:37 am

It was in Cecil’s earlier post as well. You musta missed it.
CR10X wrote:Still works for me, all the way thorough.

So why don't you just click on the "Entry Form" link and just send it in?

Just go to the "Championship Calendars & Registration" page, click on the line "National Pistol Matches, Camp Perry, OH (July 9-13, 2018) (rather than the Register online link).   On the next page will be a menu with "Entry Form".  


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