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Am I on the right track?

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Am I on the right track? Empty Am I on the right track?

Post by Paper-Puncher 7/24/2012, 4:58 pm

I have slugged the barrel on my revolver and it would appear to be .357....Now my cylinder throats ...I can push a Magnus 148 HBWC (.357) thru the throat from the front (forcing cone side ) with my thumb the bullet slides in snuggly but rather smoothly ....If I try the same thing with a Hornady HBWC (.358) it goes in but takes a bit more pressure and the bullet looks like it has been sized for lack of a better term...I believe both bullets to be close in hardness as they are both swaged and I believe the Hornady is about a 10 .....In this case I think the .357 dia. bullet would be the better choice because it would seem the .357 bullet at least has some room to expand before it hits the forcing cone ...where as the .358 bullet is getting reduced in dia. before it hits the forcing cone.....I dont believe I am shooting these fast enuff to strip them ..I use 2.7-2.8 BE or WST ......So is my thinking correct or am I missing something ? I know conventional thinking would be to use .358 lead bullets but as you know the cylinder has to be considered on the revolver as well as the barrel......anyone have similar experience ? Its my plan to stay with a swaged HBWC as they would seem to be more forgiving of bore and throat tolerance's ....Keith


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Am I on the right track? Empty Re: Am I on the right track?

Post by Steve B 7/24/2012, 9:08 pm

I had my throats reamed to the correct dimension which helped accuracy.

Steve B

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Am I on the right track? Empty Re: Am I on the right track?

Post by ChuckS1 7/25/2012, 7:28 am

I'm not sure it would make a difference using a swaged HBWC. I always understood that the skirt would expand so you'd get the correct barrel fit.

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Join date : 2011-07-28

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