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help with a pattern

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help with a pattern Empty help with a pattern

Post by Ghillieman 6/24/2018, 1:18 pm

This is the first year I have been able to shoot 2700's regularly. I shoot the same pistol for centerfire match and 45 match. I have noticed a pattern that most of the time my 45 scores are higher than my centerfire scores, even though I am using the same pistol.

Seems to me since everything else is the same that this is caused by something I'm doing. Does anyone know what's causing this?

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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by Tim:H11 6/24/2018, 1:31 pm

Could it be possibly that by the time you've completed the centerfire agg that you've "warmed up" or gotten into the swing of things that the 45 agg is a better turn out? Just a thought....?

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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by Skid 6/24/2018, 8:48 pm

Yeah I have the same issue I call it the "Lunch effect"! we take a short lunch break after the .22 900, and like Tim has stated by the time you get through the centerfire your warmed up . So today at the match I ate a smaller lunch and there was only a 5 point difference between centerfire and the .45 match. FWIW.


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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by zanemoseley 6/24/2018, 8:55 pm

Also if you're new you probably have a decent bit of recoil anticipation. The 45 recoil can be a bit of a shock after shooting 22 but then you get more accustomed to it by the end of CF.


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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by Jon Eulette 6/24/2018, 9:42 pm

He’s a Master Zane. Doubtful that it’s recoil anticipation. In my experience jumping from 2# trigger to 3-1/2# can be an issue. You can have slight tendency to force or help the shot off. You get it figured out by the middle to end of CF and are now ready for the 45 Aggregate. How much better are your 45 scores than your CF?
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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by john bickar 6/25/2018, 12:24 am

Where are you picking up those points?

This sounds (reads) like 6” of headspace to me.

Walk into that CF match with the mindset of “I am going to shoot an X on every shot. I can do this in the .45 match, and I am going to do it in the CF match.”
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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by Ghillieman 6/25/2018, 10:36 am

Jon- How much better are your 45 scores than your CF?
About 10 points, sometimes less sometimes more.

John- Where are you picking up those points?
Seems to be randomly through out the 45 agg.

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help with a pattern Empty Re: help with a pattern

Post by Toz35m 6/25/2018, 2:22 pm

I normally have the same happen to me.  I have heard it refereed to as the "training effect".  Shooting a match is great training.  CF provides some really good training for 45 for those of us using the same pistol.  My 45 scores are 10pts higher on ave than CF.

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