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Heavy 45 Bullets

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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by sjs 6/25/2018, 1:28 pm

I am close to settled with my kit for the rimfire matches and starting to look at the centerfire and 45.  I have reloading supplies left over from 45 Colt and would like to use up my large supply of Berry's Plated 250 gr flat nose bullets. 

Will flat nose bullets feed in a 1911? (generally, I know each pistol is an individual situation)

Will these be too heavy?  Too hard on the recoil spring, too much pressure?

I found info on the net regarding loads but those were for people who wanted more power and were hot loads requiring heavier springs, and I am obviously only interested in accuracy.  I have no load data in my manuals for 45acp loads beyond 230 grains.

I would think I could load them down and still get accuracy and reasonable pressure but I may be wrong.


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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by Wobbley 6/25/2018, 1:33 pm

You do realize recoil is going to be a huge problem. I’d trade them off for a 200 SWC.

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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by weber1b 6/25/2018, 2:06 pm

Forcing a load out of a less than optimal bullet will only slow your progress. Figure out a good load on a good bullet that you can build for the long run and work with that. The 250 grain bullet is not a good bullseye load under pretty much any circumstance.


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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by dronning 6/25/2018, 2:13 pm

If You can't sell/trade them you would be better served melting them down and casting some 185gr SWC.
- Dave

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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by sjs 6/25/2018, 3:49 pm

Thank you, that all sounds like good advice.


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Join date : 2018-06-09
Location : Bluffton, SC

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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by oldsalt444 6/25/2018, 10:54 pm

All good points mentioned.  250 gr. is too heavy for bullseye, recoil being the main reason.  Also plated bullets just don't do well in the accuracy department.  Plain lead and jacketed bullets give the best accuracy.

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Heavy 45 Bullets Empty Re: Heavy 45 Bullets

Post by Ghillieman 6/26/2018, 12:52 am

First, order some good bullets for bullseye shooting.

Second, since you already have those 250's load them up light and use them for practice at 25 yards. Probably start at 3.5 Bullseye and work up until it cycles.

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