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GBW Brass..who makes it

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GBW Brass..who makes it Empty GBW Brass..who makes it

Post by lablover Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:29 pm

Anyone ever heard of it.  Awhile back I saw midway was selling rebrand star line..just wasn’t sure if this is the same?

GBW BRASS.  Seems to be priced well

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GBW Brass..who makes it Empty Re: GBW Brass..who makes it

Post by dronning Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:53 pm

lablover wrote:Anyone ever heard of it.  Awhile back I saw midway was selling rebrand star line..just wasn’t sure if this is the same?

GBW BRASS.  Seems to be priced well
Huge over order by HPR when they were producing 45 ammo, so they sold it off to MidwayUSA.  I ordered 500 checked them out they were identical to Starline but with even tighter tolerance so I ordered 4K more.  I have no idea if they were in fact made by Starline.

GBW brass, everything I have read says GBW brass is produced by Remington, but who knows, they could have multiple manufacturers?  

- Dave

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GBW Brass..who makes it Empty Re: GBW Brass..who makes it

Post by lablover Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:57 pm

Thank you sir

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Location : Michigan

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