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Springfield National Match 1911

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Springfield National Match 1911 Empty Springfield National Match 1911

Post by Coach Dan 8/20/2012, 10:15 pm

I'm getting back into competitive pistol shooting. In 1994 and 1995, I competed in Marine Corps Eastern Division Matches, and had a blast. I decided to pick up a 1911, and ended up buying a new Springfield National Match 1911...and then never shot another match again. Oh, and I also bough a used Model 41 as well.

Well, fast forward 18 years or so...I retired from the Corps, and am now a teacher. I live in the DC area and am thinking of getting back into competitive shooting. I just built up the 41 with a dot sight and nice grips.

I'm writing to ask if the Springfield NM is legal for CMP matches. I think the answer is yes, since it's stock from the factory.



Coach Dan

Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-07-19

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Springfield National Match 1911 Empty Re: Springfield National Match 1911

Post by Steve B 8/20/2012, 10:40 pm

Can you post a photo?

Steve B

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Springfield National Match 1911 Empty Re: Springfield National Match 1911

Post by Rob Kovach 8/21/2012, 8:46 am

You will need to make a few changes for it to be CMP legal. The rule is that is has to look like a GI model. It doesn't have to be stock from the factory at all. You will need to replace the grip safety, hammer, and Ambidextrous safety. The safety lever has to be the short gi style. If your gun came with a mag well extension, that has to come off too.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Springfield National Match 1911 Empty Re: Springfield National Match 1911

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