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Finally happy with some scores...

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Finally happy with some scores... Empty Finally happy with some scores...

Post by Paper-Puncher Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:06 pm

Finnally got some good scores tonight.....and surprised myself at the same time....

88 Slow fire with .38 Revolver open sights 25yds

275-6x with my Ruger MKIII tapered target 25yds open sights ( first time with opens timed and rapid)

280-3x with my Ruger MKIII 5.5 target 25yds pro-point...

Didnt shoot the .45 tonight but I've been holding 8 ring or better slow fire , and 80% black timed and rapid........finally happy but far from satisfied8)


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Join date : 2011-09-22
Age : 59
Location : Ohio

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