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Camp Perry Match

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Camp Perry Match Empty Camp Perry Match

Post by Mike38 Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:42 pm

No, not shooting at Camp Perry, a match called The Camp Perry Match. I occasionally shoot the internet postal matches at Net Competitor.  They have this new match. You shoot at 25 yards. 5 shots of slow fire in 2.5 minutes, X2, total 10 shots, on a B-8 target. Then timed and rapid fire just like a regular National Match course, B-8 targets. Net Competitor turns scores into the NRA. At a normal 2700, I am a Sharpshooter. But I tried this Camp Perry Match a couple times and am shooting Expert. (Slow fire on a sustained fire target really boosts the scores.) Is this a recognized match for NRA classifications? Will it bump me up to Expert at say a regular 2700 match, or is it kept separate? I don't want to be forced into a classification that I don't belong in. I e-mailed the owner of the web site, but he didn't reply.

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Camp Perry Match Empty Re: Camp Perry Match

Post by james r chapman Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:59 pm

If it’s not an approved or registered NRA match it shouldn’t matter.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Camp Perry Match Empty Re: Camp Perry Match

Post by cdrt Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:33 pm

If they're registering it as a "Special" match, it could count. Since Net Competitor did not respond you could send an email to the NRA and ask how they are using the scores. You'll need to give them some info, like the match dates, so they can track it down.   Their email is Tournopns@nrahq.org  You could also check your past competitions at the NRA Competitions site and see how your scores not reported.  For some reason I can't get the link to copy and work.

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