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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

Post by joy2shoot 6/21/2019, 5:04 pm

I need 8+ screws for my Aimpoint Micros and Optics planet sells them for $7 per screw.  But I found these on Amazon.
Does anyone know if they will work on the Aimpoint micros?  Thanks.


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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Re: Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

Post by messenger 6/21/2019, 5:47 pm

Check with KC Kustom Creations. He helped me out with those screws.


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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Re: Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

Post by 10sandxs 6/21/2019, 7:23 pm

joy2shoot wrote:I need 8+ screws for my Aimpoint Micros and Optics planet sells them for $7 per screw.  But I found these on Amazon.
Does anyone know if they will work on the Aimpoint micros?  Thanks.
I bought a box of longer than needed ones. If.your patient and can run a file, they are spitting images of factory ones... I'll mail you some if you want..
 I think the box of 100 was about 10 bucks so I have some to spare. They're torx heads btw...


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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Re: Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

Post by -TT- 6/21/2019, 8:12 pm

Yes, M3 x 4mm button head is the correct size for the Aimpoint Micro on an Aimpoint base. Some other bases (e.g. the Kodiak Machine) have a countersunk hole and take a different type - M3 x 6mm flat head.

The Aimpoint stock screws are Torx (T10), not hex. So you'd need an Allen key in your box in addition to the nifty Aimpoint tool.

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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Re: Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

Post by joy2shoot 6/22/2019, 4:59 pm

Thanks for the information.  Yes, I knew the screws on Amazon have hex heads but that is not an issue.  And the price on Amazon will save me and an acquaintance $$ since Optics Planet is $7 per screw plus shipping where this is $7 for 100 screws and, as a Prime member, there is no additional charge for shipping.  Again, thank you much.


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Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro? Empty Re: Will these screws work on the Aimpoint Micro?

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