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Reliability of a trigger pull gauge

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Reliability of a trigger pull gauge Empty Reliability of a trigger pull gauge

Post by sixftunda 12/14/2012, 9:03 am

Last year I bought a Wheeler Trigger Pull Gauge at Cabelas. I think it was approx. 25.00.

I checked the pull on my High Standard last night and adjusted it to right at 2 1/2 pounds. It made me wonder how reliable these are in case I were to get inspected at a match. Anyone else set their trigger weight only to find out their gauge was off? My High Standard is adjustable so if I were checked and it was too light would I be allowed to adjust it right there?


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Reliability of a trigger pull gauge Empty Re: Reliability of a trigger pull gauge

Post by BE Mike 12/14/2012, 9:45 am

I have an RCBS spring-type trigger gauge. I used it for a lot of years, but I never trusted it completely. I ended up getting some NRA weights and have been happier with them.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Reliability of a trigger pull gauge Empty Re: Reliability of a trigger pull gauge

Post by DavidR 12/14/2012, 10:42 am

The mechanical ones are more accurate than the electronic ones but neither are as good as a nra weight set

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Reliability of a trigger pull gauge Empty Re: Reliability of a trigger pull gauge

Post by AllAces 12/14/2012, 4:45 pm

The electronic ones will typically give you a +/- 10% reading. So, for a 4 lb trigger you could get about 3.6 - 4.4 range. Most cannot be calibrated. For the money, get the NRA weights.

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