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22 rimfire for steel challenge

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22 rimfire for steel challenge Empty 22 rimfire for steel challenge

Post by chetc 7/11/2019, 9:28 pm

i tried a steel challenge shoot last week, i shot my shadow 2, i noticed a few shooters were using 22 rimfire semi auto, i have a S&W victory and to be honest i don't care for it, grips too small, and  it needs trigger parts ect, i don't want to put a ton of money in it, going to trade it in on another pistol, i was looking at the Ruger 22 45 mark 4, pn 40107 there was a guy at the range with a few rugers, some models have a slanted angle to the grip, not crazy about that, i shot a 22 45 Lite nice gun only 4.5in barrel, was thinking the ruger 40107 may be a better choice, any comments on this model.



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22 rimfire for steel challenge Empty Re: 22 rimfire for steel challenge

Post by atrfod 7/12/2019, 7:29 am

I've run a couple of the older Ruger Mk II slant grips for years shooting Steel.One is the classic 5.5 bull and the other is a 5.5 slab.They work great,but due to the weight,you have to be careful not to blow past the next target on transitions.Once you have that figured out,they're really smooth.I also run a 4" 10 shot S&W 617 and do fairly well with it.I especially like it during ammo shortages,or when it's cold out. Malfunctions can be cleared real fast. I picked up a 22/45 Lite that I intended to use for Steel,but I ended up using it for our local 50' indoor league.Hard to go wrong with a Ruger.-Mike


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22 rimfire for steel challenge Empty Re: 22 rimfire for steel challenge

Post by Kp321 7/13/2019, 10:08 pm

I shoot Steel Challenge with either of my Nelson conversions on 1911 frames. One with a red dot, the other with iron sights for the different classes. The Nelsons are very accurate and 100% reliable with the factory magazines.


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22 rimfire for steel challenge Empty Re: 22 rimfire for steel challenge

Post by Sc0 7/14/2019, 7:11 am

If using a .22 be sure that the ammo works and the mags too.  Compared to a centerfire they are finicky to run a stage without having some type of malfunction for ammo, mechanical reasons, or temperature.  I use a blued mkiv 22/45 5.5" Target with majestic goodies and C-more.  I shot a lite and did not prefer it due to being, too lightweight.  

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