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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Eric D. Adams
james r chapman
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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by mhayford45 7/15/2019, 5:59 am

I learned at Camp Perry the hard way that it is the competitors responsibility to verify their own scores for correctness before the challenge period ends. The NRA Stats department takes no responsibility for correct data entry for your scores per the rules book. This cost me a complete .45 TF match score of 197 12X. The stats department had my proper score sheet but failed to enter it. It was my responsibility to point this out before the challenge period ended and as I was 45 mins late for the challenge cost me the score.

Competitors check your scores for correctness and keep track of the scores separately... photos of the your score cards might be the best way to document your matches.  Make sure your preliminary posted scores are correct and know when the challenge period ends!


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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by zanemoseley 7/15/2019, 7:15 am

So you got docked nearly 200 points for a clerical error. That does suck, hard in fact.


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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by james r chapman 7/15/2019, 8:13 am

Yes, they can’t be bothered with an unusual string of zeroes after inputting and proofing. Even after they KNOW the RO’s are making sure all cards are turned in.
It’s inexcusable!!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by jmdavis 7/15/2019, 11:57 am

As a contrast, I met some friends at Andy's after the CMP matches in Saturday and one pointed out that I had a score card in my back pocket. It was my own and was for the 22 EIC match. I went to the CMP office and rang the bell twice. My scorecard was accepted hourso after the match. Within 30 minutes it was entered. 

But don't feel too bad the same thing happened to a top long range shooter a couple of years ago at Atterbury. It was eventually resolved. I suggest that you protest immediately.

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by JIMPGOV 7/15/2019, 2:53 pm



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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by james r chapman 7/15/2019, 3:09 pm

CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Torche10
james r chapman
james r chapman

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by estuck 7/15/2019, 3:54 pm

What it seems to say is 600 shooters need to camp out around the scoreboards to check their scores to make sure data is entered correctly before the challenge period ends. I was with Mark and we were all checking the scores regularly, including during dinner (when we could get a cell signal). When it appeared they were not being entered we went straight to the stat building, but too late. It is an administrative error that cost him a good score. I understand its the shooters responsibility, but the scores were constantly being updated. How can you tell if you are off site that they are done? I commend Mark, he is calmer about it than I would be.


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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by jmdavis 7/15/2019, 4:53 pm

Where did  they announce the posting time for the prelim scores. Again I suggest a protest.

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by adminbot1911 7/15/2019, 5:09 pm

This nearly happened to me this weekend. All of my scores were entered quickly except .22 EIC, which hadn't posted into the following day 

Fortunately as a habit I use the FastScanner App to capture every scorecard and most target shot patterns to analyze after I have turned my brain back on.It's better than the camera because it reduces images to .pdf size, 400k instead of 4 megabytes. I can also change from color to black and white, rotate images, and trim them. 

I emailed the competitor hotline address and Christina emailed me back almost immediately. The scores were input shortly after.

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by mhayford45 7/15/2019, 5:24 pm

We spoke to Elizabeth Martin the Pistol Programs Specialists for the Competitive Shooting Division the next morning. The rules are clear and according to her it is the competitors responsibility to know when the challenge period is over. 

The rules absolve them from all responsibility. A protest would only be a waste of time. She did respond positively about adding a script to the tower messaging to make sure competitors understand the rules.


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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by Eric D. Adams 7/15/2019, 5:31 pm

I went with Mark to speak with someone and Elizabeth did have good communication with us. Mark went in with a good attitude and did not go in to argue but to clarify and offer suggestions. Elizabeth did mention an app that may be used in the future.

Eric D. Adams

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by valbern67 7/15/2019, 7:58 pm

They didn't enter scores for a few of my matches, but I caught it and stood in line the next morning to get them fixed. Checked the boards every evening after the team matches were over.

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by dronning 7/15/2019, 9:02 pm

Eric D. Adams wrote:Elizabeth did mention an app that may be used in the future.
App or not scorecards can be misplaced/lost on their way to the stat office.  

Best advice is to ALWAYS take a picture of your signed scorecards. 
- Dave

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by estuck 7/15/2019, 9:16 pm

All good suggestions, but they had a signed scorecard in their possession and failed to enter it. I would suggest a change to the rules allowing for an appeal outside the time limit, for a confirmed administrative error. What is frustrating is Mark never got a direct apology!


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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by john bickar 7/15/2019, 10:48 pm

A similar error cost me a spot on a World Championship team many years ago. It's one of those things that you have to do or accept the consequences.

It stings, but you'll remember it. That World Championship Team tryout was only 21 years ago...
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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by adminbot1911 7/16/2019, 9:49 am

An app? I find this increasingly the "solution" to the problem of attention to detail, strong internal controls, or good old fashioned leadership. An app isn't going to solve this problem. It might even add to it.

Recommend posted scores in hard copy on a bulletin board in a common location with a time stamp at the bottom. 24 hours after that time, the challenge period ends. 

An app... jeez.

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by james r chapman 7/16/2019, 9:50 am

24 hrs would be good.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores  Empty Re: CP Competitor Responsibility for Scores

Post by Wobbley 7/16/2019, 11:10 am

I concur with 24 hours or noon the following day. It’s BS when they get posted at 6:30 and challenges end at 8:00.

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