Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
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Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
Got my sight rail from Jon for my SA RO (nice piece) mounted and trying to decide what to mount on it. I have a couple Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle sights one of which is mounted on an MP5 clone. I like the way it works with the tip of the triangle being a pretty fine POI. Anyone else tried a triangle for bullseye?
spyer40- Posts : 119
Join date : 2016-02-22
Location : Indiana
Re: Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
Most of the pano red dot sights I've seen don't have click adjustment which makes it hard to sight in and adjust between 25 and 50. I only have shooting experience with an old Docter sight. It had very coarse adjustment and a lot of play (backlash, hysteresis) in the adjuster.
Re: Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
I recently saw a comparison of a Sig Romeo 1and Leupold Delta Pro Point. It said that the Leupold had click adjustments and the Sig didn't. wrote:Most of the pano red dot sights I've seen don't have click adjustment which makes it hard to sight in and adjust between 25 and 50. I only have shooting experience with an old Docter sight. It had very coarse adjustment and a lot of play (backlash, hysteresis) in the adjuster.
If I were the OP and had a Leupold already, I'd give it a try. Some folks like a bigger dot and some like a smaller dot. With good eyes, the triangle would give a shooter a definite shape to focus upon. Of course, some very good dot shooters focus on the target.
BE Mike- Posts : 2604
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Re: Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
Got it mounted and mixed emotions. Triangle works well on the MP5 but can't get settled down with it on the Springfield. Thinking a dot is easier to focus on. Then again other than a Ruger Mk III that has an Ultradot on it I only shoot pistols with iron sights.
spyer40- Posts : 119
Join date : 2016-02-22
Location : Indiana
Re: Deltapoint Pro 7.5 triangle
I use the Delta Point Pro 2.5 MOA. They definitely have click adjustment but no markings on dial so to speak. I like this sight better than tube types such as my Aimpoint H-1, just my personal preference.
Bmitch996- Posts : 155
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