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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by OldShooter43 7/22/2019, 10:12 am

I just ordered the SWC/WC seating stems from UniqueTek for both .38 Special and .45 ACP.  Does anyone here have any experience with using them?  Seems like an inexpensive fix.



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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 7/22/2019, 10:20 am

It seemed silly to not locate off the shoulder of swc bullets.
They work great for me.

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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by OldShooter43 7/22/2019, 10:37 am

Great!  I figured that between Photo Escape's PTUs and these seater stems I should pretty well eliminate bullet misalignment and lead shaving during the seating process - especially when loading HBWC bullets for my Model 52.
Thanks for the input.


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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by zanemoseley 7/22/2019, 11:09 am

I don't think its designed for full wadcutters though. I would buy an insert designed for full WC 38.


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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by OldShooter43 7/22/2019, 11:41 am

According to UniqueTek, it's supposed to work equally well with full wadcutter (FWC) bullets.  I'll give it a try and see how it works.  In any event, I load .38 LSWC bullets as well as FWCs so it won't be money wasted.  It's going to be a while though since I just loaded a batch of wadcutters.


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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by spursnguns 7/22/2019, 11:45 am

They also work well for wadcutters albeit I've never had any problem with Dillon Precision's standard wadcutter seating stems.  All in all, they are a good product.


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UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies Empty Re: UniqueTek bullet seating stems for Dillon dies

Post by OldShooter43 7/22/2019, 11:52 am

I had a minor amount of lead shaving on my last batch of wadcutters using the standard Dillon seater.  However, I didn't have the PhotoEscape PTU installed then so it may have eliminated the shaving altogether.  Good to know that the UniqueTek seater will work on FWCs.  Thanks.



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Location : Williamsburg, VA

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