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Need help with recoil management

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 Need help with recoil management Empty Need help with recoil management

Post by chopper 9/8/2019, 10:35 pm

Like to hear from shooters with good recoil management and gripping. I shot a match today and was okay with my .22, but in CF and 45 which I shoot the same pistol with, I been noticing that muzzle isn't coming straight back or up sometimes. The match director watched me and said my muzzle would like wobble all around sometimes. I'm noticing this also after the shot goes off and some shots are in the black, but it appears the call would be out of the rings, which some might be. I was  thinking trigger pull first, I now think grip strength, but could it be position of hand on the grips? It happens in all 3 stages at times, and worse in 45 portion, but I think I eat too big of a lunch between CF and 45 and might lose some concentration then.
 Thanks for any help, Stan


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 Need help with recoil management Empty Re: Need help with recoil management

Post by joem5636 9/9/2019, 7:00 am

Read the Army's AMU Pistol Shooting Manual! The bottom line I remember is to grip only with the second and third fingers, grip as tightly as possible without inducing shaking, and pull the trigger from the first joint, not the pad.


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 Need help with recoil management Empty Re: Need help with recoil management

Post by Wobbley 9/9/2019, 9:31 am

To some extent 45 recoil management is partly structure and partly conditioning. So presuming you have good stance and grip and all of that, live fire training and conditioning will payoff. You also might want to try putting in a 10 pound recoil spring then shooting 185 gr lead bullets starting at 3.2 gr Bullseye and increasing by .2 gr. Stop when the gun shoots a full mag without stopping. Then load 1000 rounds and shoot that in a timed fire cadence. Try to keep the gun from destroying your structure of grip and stance. Pretty soon you should have recoil management under control.

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 Need help with recoil management Empty Re: Need help with recoil management

Post by chopper 9/9/2019, 5:25 pm

I do grip basically with my 2 fingers and apply a small amount with my pinky, just enough to "feel" a balance not enough to bring the muzzle down. My finger is positioned anywhere from the joint foward so I don't move the sight while dry firing.
  Wobbley, your probably right about more live fire training and conditioning because it happens later in the matches. It's like I think I'm gripping tight enough but that other end just goes all over sometimes. 
 Thanks much, Stan


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Age : 72
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 Need help with recoil management Empty Re: Need help with recoil management

Post by Allgoodhits 9/9/2019, 7:59 pm

Grip comes down to manner and force. IMO, think....controlling the gun, not the recoil.

Grip the gun in a "manner" which enables your trigger finger placement to pull or press the trigger such that it does not disturb the sights or dot through the hammer fall.

Grip the gun with sufficient "force" so that the gun does not move or twist "in the hand" during the recoil and recovery phase. How firm? Firm enough. The gun and hand will move, just not the gun in the hand. Note the difference.

If you have accomplished the above, your "grip" has been mastered. It is a simple process, just not an easy one.

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