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One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active??

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One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active?? Empty One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active??

Post by mikemyers 1/5/2020, 6:47 am

Clicking on the icon for Distinguished Precision Shooting Sports, in the "supporters" icons on the home page, bottom row, left, brings up "https://www.3dcartstores.com" and a note that the site is no longer active.  Maybe this needs to be adjusted, or removed?

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One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active?? Empty Re: One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active??

Post by james r chapman 1/5/2020, 7:37 am

Thanks for the notice.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active?? Empty Re: One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active??

Post by willnewton 1/5/2020, 12:46 pm

Yeah, his site is down. Don’t know what is up, maybe they are redoing the site.

I changed the link to his eBay store (which has nothing listed currently) just so it goes to something.


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One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active?? Empty Re: One of the "supporters" websites on the home page no longer active??

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