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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:30 pm

 I am getting a used Nygord Pardini SP this week.  Prior owner was very helpful in answering questions.  The gun is 20 years old approx and has less than 1,000 rounds through it. It sounded like he kept good care of this pistol.  What kind of cleaning fluid does everyone use?   I have been using shooters lube, stage one solvent with my other pistols.  Will that be ok on the Pardini. Also previous owner used Ely Tenex as his ammo.  Don’t know if he tried others. I have some CCI SV coming this week as well, is it just trial and error to see if that will work.  It’s much cheaper than the Tenex.  Will appreciate any comments, thoughts.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by CrankyThunder Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:08 am

Hello RPT, Your going to love your new pardini!

I have owned my pardini since I purchased it new in 2013 and I have been really happy with ezzox as a cleaner/lubrication/corrosion protectant.  I have used other products as well but bought a large can of the stuff when I got the pistol and when it ran out, got another can without thinking about it much.  

Pardini appears to be selling the Iosso products and I do not have any experience with them but I would take a close look at what pardini recommends when I need more.  

As for ammo, I have done extensive ammos testing and have found that CCI SV hits the sweet spot for me on the price/accuracy/reliability equation.  I get a handful of duds every case but do not feel it is worth the price to get SK ammo which still has a few, but less duds.  If I am shooting really good, I can detect a slight accuracy advantage for the SK but again, it is so minor that it does not justify the extra cost. 

One thing that I have noticed is that there are some ammo prands that are not reliable in cold weather.  Not sure where you live but if it gets below 40 degrees, Eley Target and Aguilla does not have the horse power to cycle the Pardini reliably.   

I have had very good performance from the SK line of ammo, the only problem is that it costs a lot more then CCI SV and it is coated with the greasy wolf snot lubrication.  

I am also concerned with the recent reports of poor performance of CCI SV in the more recently produced batches.  Since I remember and survived the great Obama ammo shortage, I keep a good supply stashed and am always on the look out for acceptable and affordable ammo, and with the combination of bad reports for CCI SV, I have been looking at other possible ammo sources.  I recently purchased a case of GECO Rifle at a attractive price and will be testing it out as a possible ammo source in addition to CCI SV. I know a number of other bullseye shooters that have been happy with the GECO ammo so I figured that it was worth a shot, especially since it is a touch cheaper then the CCI SV. 


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:32 am

Thanks Crankster for getting back to me.   I will check out the ezzox cleaner and will shoot the folks at Pardini an email.   There might be some cleaner in the case that is coming Tuesday, so I’ll see what was in there first.
I live in southeast PA so shooting below 40 degrees is not something that I’m doing.   The bullseye league that I’m in travels to 10 different clubs and they have decent heating in the stalls when shooting.  
I’m going to try some CCI SV as I ordered 4 boxes the other day and I’ll have them by Tuesday.  If they work well, then I’ll get more.  I know a lot of guys in the league are using the CCI SV as one person is getting boxes somewhere and folks are reimbursing him.
More after I physically get the new gun this Tuesday.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by CrankyThunder Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:21 pm

HI Rpt:

SE Pennsylvania doesn't get below 40 Degrees??????   When I lived in Baltimore it got below 40 degrees lotsa times and it usually was colder up in Philadelphia!

Ok, little more information for you.  I shoot in a winter league as well.  Unfortunately, since I need to head to the match directly from work, my firearm and ammo gets parked in the truck all day and does not get a chance to warm up for the match.  At the match, it is usually about ten minutes from opening up the door to the first shot of the match.  Eley target and Aguilla just will not cycle the bolt of the pardini with any reliability when the weather is chilly to cold.  In my experience, Eley Target wasn't any good at 40 degrees and Aguilla can handle a bit colder then that but I have had problems with Aguilla at 20 deg temperatures.  


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:36 pm

Hi Crankster
What I meant to say was that I’m not shooting indoors with the league in under 40 degrees.   It can get well below 40 here but this winter has been exceptionally mild....non on the single digits!
We’re on the warming up side of 40 now for Wednesday nights.  I am careful with my current gun, Buckmark shooting CCI Mini Mags to keep both gun and ammo especially warm in the house.  Had experience with current gun and ammo, 2 seasons ago when I was shooting PPC in early April, and it was pretty cold.  Had 3 FTF and 2 misfires due to cold ammo.  Been wary of the temps since then.   Im a few practice sessions from competing with the Pardini, so it will be better weather wise.
Have a great sunday.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:20 pm

Hi Crankster,
Picked up the Pardini pistol today. Wow, the grip fit like it was made to order for me. The person I bought it from was trading information regarding his hand size, and that was the wildcard....bingo dead on. Nice Burris 135 scope on the gun as well. I’m getting acquainted with the operation of this pistol as it’s totally different from my buck mark! I have one question though. I’ve been able to pull the bolt back and lock it....found the little button on the bottom of the frame for this, but when I do this the trigger stays active, ie...it’s ready to go, is there a way to let the trigger off short of dry firing? I’ve got a dry firing plug on order as it was not in the stuff I was sent. There also is a little lever on the left side of the gun that seems to be a safety, but I don’t see what direction that would move. Do you have that on your gun? I’m more concerned about letting the trigger release so it doesn’t stay cocked. This pistol is a Don Nygord design so grip is really great and curvy. If I could figure out how to attach a pix I would send one to you. I have to re sight the scope as it was off the gun in the shipping case, so that’s the only thing that needs to be done. Bore looks really bright. I would appreciate your thoughts. Funny the manual that comes with the gun mentions nothing about these issues....unless I’m missing them in the 4 languages that the manual is written in. LOL


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by jmdavis Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:40 am

I have had a Nygord Pardini since 2013, I use Kroil to clean and for winter lube. In the summer I clean with Kroil and lube with FP10. You milage may vary. Make sure that you keep track of the number of rounds on the buffers and on the recoil spring. Those have been the only issues I have experienced with regard to function. The gun will definitely shoot. The 10x in my avatar was with it using Eley Club Xtra

My pistol will not take CCI. It's not just failure to fire, but failure to feed. It tends to be too long for my vintage magazines.  When you measure CCI you will see that it's length is greater than the Euro brands and greater than Aguila. 

I used to shoot Eley Target, but experienced the same issues as Cranky Thunder. I then switched to Norma Tac and that fed fine. I haven't had issues with my Pardini and Aguila Super Super Extra solid 40gr.

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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:55 am

Ok jmdavis. I will measure the CCI Sv vs the Ely Tenex I purchased at the recommendation of the person I bought the gun from. He also indicated that it took various other ammos as well. How old is your Nygord? Mine is estimated at 20 years, but was a back up gun so has under 1000 rounds through it. I’m going to contact Pardini with the serial number and will see what they can tell me. On that. Thanks for the information. I will check out Aguila super ammo as well for availability.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:00 pm

Are you saying aguila super extra....is that high velocity? Thats what is coming up on my search?
Let me know.



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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by jmdavis Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:04 pm

Aguila Super Xtra standard velocity lead solid

What is the Nygord address on the gun. Mine is California, the last ones were Arizona. 

You don't have to shoot Tenex, the cost of that with a serious training regimin would break you. But you can use SK, Norma, Aguila or whatever else that you can find that works and is accurate. As I said the CCI tends not to fit and feed from my magazines.

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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:30 pm

Hi jmdavis,
I checked and the address on mine is Prescott Arizona. I took out some CCI SV and stood it next to the ELY Tenex I bought and the CCI is slightly longer, so I see what you mean. I haven’t loaded any in my magazines yet or fired the gun either....going to see if I can get the Aguila ammo because at 17.99 a box for the Tenex, it’s like buying .45 ACP ammo or my .38 special....ouch! LOL.
I shot Pardini USA an email with some questions, regarding age based on my serial number which is B 6798....could it be that simple for June 1998 manufacture date: LOL. ALso asked them about servicing if I need it and buying new mags, as more than 3 would help.
Thanks for spending your time with me, the newbie!!


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by fc60 Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:39 pm


The age of the pistol can roughly be estimated by the Proof Code.

There will be two letters inside a box stamped on the receiver. Usually underneath, next to the barrel shroud.

Note, this is when the pistol was Proof tested, not manufactured.




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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:53 pm

Found those codes....looks like a BS which would be 2002. Thanks, Dave.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:21 pm

Took the new gun to the range today and sighted it in with some help from a shooting buddy. Got the Aguila Super Extra standard velocity. It worked flawlessly. Put about 75 rounds through the gun and got more comfortable with general handling. Super accurate pistol. My shooting buddy asked for a chance to shoot it....he’s a really good shooter. He did 5 shots and got 3 x and 2 9’s, he had an “I’ve got to get one of these” moments afterwards. LOL. Looking forward to improving my scores with some practice.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by CrankyThunder Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:01 am


I have found a number of ammos that the pardini will eat reliably, it is not hard and if you are always in the warm weather, even simpler.  

I found that the aguilla standard velocity 40 grain round nose will not function when it is cold.  works fine in spring and summer but it is wintertime right now.  

Mine also functions flawlessly and I have not replace the recoil buffer or main recoil spring since I got it in 2013.  Oh I have the replacement parts and could do it next time I cleaned it but if it has not malfunctioned in seven years, why should I replace the parts.  Removed the buffer and a small indentation where that foot on the back of the bolt hits it but it was fine.  Set the existing mainspring down next to a brand new one and it looks the same and feel like it is the same poundage...……...Hope you get as good a performing one.  


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by estuck Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:52 am

I really line Shooters Choice for solvent and lube. I do not use a scrub brush on the bore. if I do any scrubbing, it is with a nylon brush on the chamber.  I have found my Pardini to be extremely reliable. The only malfunctions I have ever had was with CCI SV. I shoot the Eley Target or Club and stick with it.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:20 pm

Thanks estuck. I have to check the prices on the Ely ammo. Perhaps for a match at some point.
Have you noticed any scratches on the bore with the scrub brush? The Utube video by Pardini shows them using the scrub brush, but that’s an individual thing. I have the original cleaning kit that came with the gun...I havent looked at it in detail yet but will be soon. After how many rounds are you cleaning barrel, and clips?



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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by estuck Sat Feb 22, 2020 8:50 pm

I almost never send a bore brush down the bore. Occasionally I will run a bore snake down it if I feel the chamber is getting a bunch of junk in it. My cleaning regiment is to  remove the barrel and run a saturated patch down the bore. I set it aside, then clean the bolt face, recoil spring and guide, under the extractor. Then I start running clean dry patches down the bore. IMHO the .22 does not require the barrel to be "scrubbed". You will find the Pardini does not require a great deal of lubrication. one drop on the recoil spring  guide, then wipe the barrel where the bolt rides over it with oiled patch.  I usually clean around a thousand rounds or so. Clean the magazines when I see gunk build up on the follower or before a big match. Finding the right ammo is an elusive endeavor. Look for something consistent and reliable. I feel spending a little more and knowing the gun will go bang every time out weighs try to do it on the cheap. You have a fine pistol, enjoy.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:42 pm

Thanks for the info estuck. Sounds like my habit with my other guns is cleaning a little too often, which I heard can be bad in some cases. Depends on the ammo, some is dirtier that others. I will watch the Pardini carefully for any build up. Yes, ammo is tricky. I appreciate the reinforcement that I made a good choice with this pistol. Now to get better with it!. I’m enjoying the challenge of bullseye. Have a good week.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by CrankyThunder Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:12 am

dear RPT 

Make sure you get a bunch of the OB/GYN swabs for cleaning.  I use the 8 inch all advantage brand simply because that is what is available to me at a discount.  They are good for cleaning out the magazine well and also deep in the bolt recess back where the hammer is once you remove the barrel and the bolt.  



Basically they are giant que tips produced for medical use.  

Shoulda recommended this to you before.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:39 am

Thanks Crankster. How often do you clean....similar to estuck?



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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by mikemargolis Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:12 am

Well, my brand new SP 5" Bullseye arrived on Friday, and (sigh) I am bedridden with the flu.

Watching Pardini you tube videos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PShWoHytws4

Pardini recommends Weapon Shield for cleaning and lubrication

I specifically asked them which ammunition they recommend, and received this reply:

The most important thing to look for in Ammo for Pardini SP is STANDARD VELOCITY.  Anything within Standard Velocity will work well.
The more you pay for your ammo, the better it will work.  This means more consistency, far fewer issues with your ammo and your pistol.
Eley, RWS and LaPua all work well.
Alex trains with [size=15]SK Pistol Match ammo.[/size]
Alex competes with Lapua Pistol OSP ammo.

So I bought a brick of the SK and we'll see how that goes once I am out of bed.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by CrankyThunder Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:47 am

Hi Rpt:

Sent you those ECI's that allow you to dry fire on Friday, you should be getting them shortly.  I clean about every 600 rounds, most of the time before an important match.  

In our league, we have quite a number of shooters that shoot pardini's and hands down, the most popular ammo is CCI SV.  While we are all concerned with the recent reports of problems with the newer batches of CCI SV, I have not seen any problems with the new batches that use the red stripe on the blue packaging (cardboard).  I do have some new stuff purchased in the ammo bunker and soon as I need a new case I am going to go dig it out.  

For what it is worth, when one of us sees a good price on line word gets around the league and we all buy a couple cases to maintain our stock.  Personally, having survived the great Obama ammo shortage, I start feeling uncomfortable when my stockpile gets down to five cases or so.  I still have some eley target that I am working through as a practice that was purchased during the great ammo shortage.  

With that being said, we all are trying different ammos that compare in price to the CCI SV.  With the amount of shooting we all do, and since we find little if any difference I accuracy, if a ammo is reliable then the cost is the primary factor but personally, I do not like the greasy ammos like SK and Wolf made by SK.  That wolf snot makes my grip on the pistol slippery and prefer the CCI SV and Eley brands since they do not have that slimy wolf snot crud all over them.  

I recently purchased a case of Geco Bolt, specifically designed for Bolt Action rifles and while it looks promising, I have not had a chance to test it in my other pistols nor in really cold weather, it is slimy but not as slimy as SK.  I have read that Geco is a subsidiary of RWS and Norma and that it is a lower quality ammo then their top of the line ammos.  


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Re: Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference

Post by Rpt52 Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:55 pm

Thanks for the ECI’s cranky. I bought 500 rounds of the aguila super extra standard velocity on Friday at a local store. Paid 1.99 per box, so that was a good deal. I haven’t found CCI SV locally here in Central PA, unless I’m not looking in the right places. I did look at the length of the CCI SV vs Ely and the CCI was just a tad longer. I’ll stay with the Aguila for now, and will see how it performs. Put 59 through the other day as I mentioned with no issues at all. Mikemargolis, feel better. The gun will be there when you get better. Give’s you something to think about while you’re kicking the flu’s butt.


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Pardini SP cleaning solvent recommendation, Ammo preference Empty Magazines for Nygord Pardini

Post by Rpt52 Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:14 pm

jmdavis wrote:Aguila Super Xtra standard velocity lead solid

What is the Nygord address on the gun. Mine is California, the last ones were Arizona. 

You don't have to shoot Tenex, the cost of that with a serious training regimin would break you. But you can use SK, Norma, Aguila or whatever else that you can find that works and is accurate. As I said the CCI tends not to fit and feed from my magazines.

Jmdavis......have you purchased newer magazines for your Nygord? I read somewhere that the newer ones need some modifications, and one person said that the newer mags got stuck halfway in?



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