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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by JimTMich 4/20/2020, 12:06 pm

Well, allot of us are under lockdown orders forced to be at home.  You guys that haven't been locked down yet, keep shooting and posting, I'll keep up the data.

For those that are reduced to pellet guns, if you have sustained fire capability continue to post here as I have been doing.

There is a similar 10M air pistol group on the other web site that does a full ISSF 600 monthly.

We are also continuing here adding a 300pt slowfire match on B40 targets.

This website is all about Bullseye shooting so lets have a NRA Precision Pistol 300pt National Match Course.
Follow the NRA Precision Pistol Rules.
Shoot at any official distances with official targets or scale targets to make it basement friendly for pellet guns.

Week #10 is now open.  Shoot and post your score and information here on or before 4/26/2020.  At that time week #10 will close and week #11 will be open.
Everyone is welcome to join in.  No membership or enrollment needed.  Simply post your information.

Post the following information
Name or forum name:
Distance: 50/25yard, 25yard, 50 foot, 25 foot.....
Shooting aids: (we're here because we like competition, if we need to deviate from the rules to continue to enjoy, please do so.  I would rather have someone with a shake shoot two handed and enjoy, than sit out.  We'll all be there sooner or later.)
Post a picture of the targets if you can.  It's fun to see.
Score Slow Fire:
Score Timed Fire:
Score Rapid Fire:

I'll summarize the results and post them weekly.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Looking forward to shooting with everyone.
Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Attachment
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Last edited by JimTMich on 4/27/2020, 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added data)


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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by JimTMich 4/20/2020, 10:00 pm

Finally found some time when no one was in the living room/kitchen.
Don't know how you guys are getting such precision with open sights!  I have a hard enough time with the dot and astigmatisms...

Steyr LP50
Red Dot
JSB 8.02 Target Diablo Sport
10M - slowfire match

moved the sight down 3 clicks
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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by Oleg G 4/22/2020, 3:48 pm

I am very happy that I have rigged an Air Pistol range in my attic. I can shoot NRA targets at 25 Feet or ISSF targets at 10M. I am starting with the NRA targets.
Using my Izh-46M with Iron Sights. This is quite an experience, since so far I have only shot a red dot for precision shooting. I have set the trigger on the Izh at close to 2lb, so I can simulate Slow Fire with the 22 pistol.
A humble score but lots and lots of fun!

Name or forum name: Oleg G.
Distance: 25 feet, NRA TQ-6 Slow Fire targets
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Pistol: Izh-46M
Caliber: .177
Sights: Iron Sights
Shooting aids: None
Score Slow Fire 1: 84
Score Slow Fire 2: 91
Score Slow Fire 3: 91
Total: 266
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Post by JimTMich 4/24/2020, 3:51 pm

Welcome Oleg G.  
Sounds like you have a great setup in the attic!

Sorry my instructions aren't very clear.  We're punting trying to keep things going even though ranges are closing.

Everyone has settled on shooting 10M ISSF rules, so go ahead and lighten up the trigger and shoot on B40's.

I was hoping a bunch of bullseye shooters with semi auto air pistols would show up and shoot National Match Courses on TQ6/TQ7 with me at 25', but so far I'm the only one.


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Join date : 2019-04-01
Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by DonBrummer 4/24/2020, 9:32 pm

Some days you just can't get it together....

Don Brummer
Distance: 29'
Pistol: IZH-46M
Caliber: .177 (H&N finale match light pellets) 
Sights: Iron
Target 1- 88
Target 2- 85
Target 3- 90-2x
Aggregate - 263-2x

Last edited by DonBrummer on 4/26/2020, 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by Guest 4/26/2020, 12:28 pm

Sorry - Bit slow posting this week.

NRA 50' targets at 45' outdoor - Sunny, yay!
Pardini SP22 + UD 1"
Aguila Pistol Match
SF - 98
TF - 100, 3x
RF - 99, 6x
NMC - 297, 9x

Just hope that I can continue to shoot like this when matches resume!
Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 23apr210


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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by Oleg G 4/26/2020, 2:57 pm

OK, I've been training with the Air Pistol this week.
Moved the firing point to 33 Ft and adjusted the trigger of my Izh-46M to about 1.3lb.

Name or forum name: Oleg G.
Distance: 33 feet, Air Pistol B-40 Targets
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Pistol: Izh-46M
Caliber: .177
Sights: Iron Sights
Shooting aids: None
Target 1: 93-2X
Target 2: 92-2X
Target 3: 90-0X
Total: 275-4X

Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 04_26_12

Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 04_26_13

Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 04_26_11
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Post by David R 4/26/2020, 4:05 pm

This is a one shot deal.  Wife and I got a chance at the outdoor range.  Funny rule, you can't shoot pistol standing up 50 yards.  You HAVE to use the 25 yard berm for pistol.   I shot 20 rounds at the second target because changing targets means making every body stop shooting.  
Wife shot targets too.  Hers are next.

Name   David Root
Date     4/25/2020
Distance 25 Yards
Indoor/outdoor    Outdoor
Pistol   Gold Cup
Caliber 45
Sights  SRO
Shooting Aid  None
Target 1   86
target 2   96-5X
Target 3   96-4X
Total :     278-9X

David R
David R

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Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... Empty Re: Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll...

Post by David R 4/26/2020, 4:49 pm

Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... F8470a10
Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... E45ca110
David R
David R

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Post by David R 4/26/2020, 4:51 pm

Name. Laurie Root
Date:     4/25/2020
Distance 25 Yards
Indoor/outdoor    Outdoor
Pistol   Dan Wesson PM-9
Caliber 9mm
Sights    SRO
Shooting Aids,    Two hands
Target 1  78
Target 2   81-1X
Target 3   81 -2X
Total score   240-3X
Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 5eb5c710
Internet National Match Course League Week #10 - Covid 19 takes it's toll... 6c991210
This is good for us.   We were shooting  twice a week.   2 matches each time.   I shot center fire only all winter.    One was 50 feet indoors, the other was 25 yards indoors with turning targets.   I always scored better @ 25 yards.
No need to log these scores.  I don't know when we will be able to get there again.   
Thanks for doing this. 
David and Laurie Root

Last edited by David R on 4/26/2020, 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
David R
David R

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Post by JKR 4/26/2020, 5:07 pm

Air pistol only this week.
10 meter ISSF rules 
FWB Model 2
H&N finale match pellets


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Post by JimTMich 4/27/2020, 12:01 pm

Glad so many of you could continue to shoot!
See you next week.


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Location : Kalamazoo, Michigan

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