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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Allen Barnett
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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by adminbot1911 6/7/2020, 12:57 pm

My guns will be in storage for 3 years or more and I'd like to know if the coin-style batteries are safe to leave in the optic or should be removed.

I've had some equipment go bad when stored with cylinder-style batteries (mostly AA and AAA) and don't care to duplicate items this valuable.

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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by Deerspy 6/7/2020, 1:03 pm

I just take them out and put in a small bag marked which red dot they came out of, then when ready to shoot go through box of bags and find the last batterie used and off we go


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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by rburk 6/7/2020, 1:42 pm

I would take them out.  However, I think I read somewhere that the lithium batteries don't corrode the way alkaline batteries do.  I have never seen one corrode yet.


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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by Allen Barnett 6/7/2020, 3:47 pm

From the sounds of things I am making an assumption that your are possibly in the military, since you stated  your firearms will be in storage for 3 years maybe longer.  Since they will be in storage for an extended time here is what I would do.  I would remove all batteries and dispose of them properly.  Keep in mind that lithium batteries are considered hazardous material.  Check your local laws on procedures for their disposal.  The cost to replace the batteries upon your return is small, better to be safe than trying to save a few dollars.

Allen Barnett

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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by jglenn21 6/7/2020, 4:01 pm

What Allen said

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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by adminbot1911 6/7/2020, 7:51 pm

Good advice all.  I removed the 4 batteries out of my optics and dropped them into a plastic baggy.  They'll go to Best Buy's recycle bin with the rest of the recyclables.  Will buy new ones (mostly CR2032) when I get back.  Cheers

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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by Wobbley 6/7/2020, 8:12 pm

Good luck on your sea duty.

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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by mpolans 6/7/2020, 8:40 pm

Too bad you can't take them.  We had a ton of fun when I was younger and my dad was stationed in Germany.  We went shooting IPSC/USPSA all over Europe.  Pretty much came to an end when he got orders for Japan, though they did have skeet shooting on base.


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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by bdrake 6/7/2020, 10:52 pm

remove and store or dispose of in a safe manner for the batteries.  For the pistols, I recommend a long term storage coat of RIG if you aren't storing them in a humidity controlled environment.  



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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by Wobbley 6/8/2020, 12:22 am

Rig works but this is less expensive and works as well.


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Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries Empty Re: Storing guns - what to do with optic batteries

Post by adminbot1911 6/9/2020, 11:51 am

Thanks again for the advice and the best wishes.  Weapons are stored in tight cases with silicone impregnated socks in a temperature controlled warehouse.  And I think I am ready for my move.

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