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Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

james r chapman
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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by Psween 7/26/2020, 6:01 pm

I apologise if this is the second post of this, typed it out once and it seems to have disappeared. Anyway, looking at DIY upgrades to my RO. First I'd like to change recoil springs, as my 185 WC/4.0 BE won't lock the slide open. What weight should I be using? I think the stock (16#?) is what's in it now. Also, bushing is snug but not tight, I think I can fit an EGW myself. Are there any other things I should consider? Eventually will get trigger done but it's ok now. Sights are fine. Will probably add trigger shoe and make some fatter grips. What else besides shooting it a bunch? Thanks,



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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by DA/SA 7/26/2020, 6:32 pm

A good quality .200" slide stop.

I'm presently using a 14# recoil spring with 160 grain LSWC, so it should be pretty close to what yours should like.

You might also consider a different mainspring housing and internals if yours has the locking style. a 19# main spring should work there.

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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by james r chapman 7/26/2020, 7:24 pm

Yes, is yours the ILS 23# mainspring?
If so, just replace the guts and add a 19# spring.
Maybe. 12# recoil.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by chiz1180 7/26/2020, 8:54 pm

Aside from getting the springs correct for function, I would prioritize trigger work over a bushing. If possible put it in a rest before changing the bushing, you might be surprised.

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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by Bigtrout 7/27/2020, 6:53 am

You can save money on trigger work if the only issue is pull weight.  Read Jack Wiegand's tutorial on 2 1/2 lb. trigger pull published on Brownell's website.  All you need is the ability to do a complete strip and assembly, some patience bending the sear spring leafs and an inexpensive pull gauge.
The installation of a semi-tight custom EGW bushing has reduced group size by about 50% on my 5" RO 9mm.  FWIW.

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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by aub1957 7/27/2020, 9:14 am

I put the .200 slide stop on mine, changed out the sear spring and ordered a custom bushing from EGW. Also applied some skateboard tape on the front strap. The Sharkskin grips are a nice addition as well. It is plenty accurate for my skill level. I need a trigger job, however.


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Cheap upgrades to SA RO? Empty Re: Cheap upgrades to SA RO?

Post by lablover 7/27/2020, 10:01 am

I just picked up a new RO in .45 and out of the box the trigger is 4.5 lbs and crisp.  I had A BE buddy give it a go at the range and he said don’t touch it.  I was pretty shocked how well the trigger felt out of the box brand new.  Slide to frame fit was the best I’ve ever seen on a RO out of the box.  She should make a great EIC candidate!

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