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Ultra dot question

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Ultra dot question Empty Ultra dot question

Post by 285wannab 10/22/2020, 8:39 am

I have an Ultra Dot 4 moa with a perfectly round dot.  The issue is the reverse magnification.  It looks like your looking thought the wrong end of a telescope. lol
I was thinking that might not be a bad thing because you see a smaller target.  Is this a bad thing, a smaller target?  What does everyone think?


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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by Al 10/22/2020, 9:09 am

Never used to be the case. Now I refuse to buy UD's until I can look through them for just this reason. It bugs me.

Don't know if it was legit or not, but I ran into one of the new owners at the Desert Midwinter a couple years ago. She said to just send it back (with the receipt) & they would correct it.


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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by DA/SA 10/22/2020, 9:45 am

She corrected mine as above.

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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by dpelletier 10/22/2020, 10:00 am

I actually never even noticed it until I read about it here.
Though ever so slight, the reverse magnification is a little weird.
I really only notice it when I shoot with both eyes open and only if I watch carefully as I move the scope over the target.


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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by Tripscape 10/22/2020, 12:07 pm

Many tube dots have this issue, don't know why this has to be the case. It's never positive magnification, but most of the time negative magnification. Reflex dots by contrast sometimes have positive magnification, but never negative. I dunno...


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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by TonyH 10/22/2020, 12:38 pm

I have never found that small negative magnification to be a hinderance to my shooting. I still have to hold my wobble...so the perceived size of the target makes nary a difference for me.
Here is an article from Dr. Wong that talks to perceived target size through a red dot, that may shed some light on the subject.

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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by DA/SA 10/22/2020, 1:35 pm

I didn't know any different, as it was my only dot sight, until I bought a second UD that didn't exhibit the minifcation. There was then a considerable difference between the two that was a bit of a distraction if shooting both guns one after the other.

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Ultra dot question Empty Re: Ultra dot question

Post by 285wannab 10/22/2020, 6:17 pm

I have worked with Ultra Dot before.  I think I spoke with Kate???  They are always helpful.
I know when coming back into the target I can see the difference.  I am thinking with the smaller target maybe it will help make my groups smaller.  I will try it for awhile and see what happens.  If nothing else when I make a bad shot I can blame it on my red dot. lol


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