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VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item

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VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item Empty VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item

Post by Gustavo1957 11/12/2020, 4:34 pm



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VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item Empty Re: VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item

Post by Wobbley 11/12/2020, 4:46 pm

Well, if they add in the backlog from Remington, it would be unprecedented, I suppose.  But my question is what are they doing to alleviate this?  Not only Vista, but the whole country.  Is ATF sitting on ammo import permits?  Can we get SOME relief from the LEO orders?  As in reduce shipments to LEO so we can have SOME?

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VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item Empty Re: VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item

Post by Outthere 11/13/2020, 5:50 am

Contracts come first. They're working 24/7. 

Just like everyone else, their supply chain was interrupted. Along with vastly increased demand, (covid, then riots), sent the available civilian ammunition supply into a tailspin.

It's going to be a bumpy ride. Especially if anti-gun politicians seize control.

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VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item Empty Re: VISTA COMPANY STATUS on ammo backlog -news item

Post by REConley 11/13/2020, 7:37 am

Wobbley wrote:  Is ATF sitting on ammo import permits?  

The NRA and Wayne are in love with the guy in the WH that controls and runs the ATF. According to NRA they are our buddies. I really do not see where there is any basis, according to the NRA, for this comment.

OTOH, the virus has impacted their manufacturing to what extent I have no idea but a week or two this past April/May would have been bad. There have been various stories that mentioned some issue getting raw materials from over sea supply chains due to the virus. A clue to ammo industry to bring their supply chains back to the USA, maybe. Add in the panic and here we are. Just my personal opinion but with the election over, no second civil war, vaccine possibly starting to be available in December for medical staff and elderly this thing will peter out over the next 6 months.  Now if the virus come roaring back and shuts them down again all bets are off. This past week I saw a long line, two weekdays in a row, at my LGS at the desk where trade-ins were evaluated. Are the panic gun buyers getting out of guns already? There are comments on SIG Talk forum I frequent from people already starting to check out their LGS for as new bargain guns on sale. 

I am sure with Biden president we will here how everyone needs a lifetime ammo supply and that will keep prices up at MSRP until a year into the next republican's presidency.  

In three years one might be prudent to begin a process to add an extra case of practice ammo every two or three months before those prices spike, as I am sure they will.

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