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Moly Coated Bullets?

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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by beeser Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:49 pm

An article in Sniper Country states that Molybdenum-disulfide coated bullets may harm gun barrels and there hasn't been any evidence that it improves accuracy.  Any input on this from the Bullseye community?


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by Kp321 Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:35 pm

Moly coated bullets were the rage in high power rifle competition around 15 years ago. There were some who said the moly deposits were very difficult to remove from the barrels and the benefits were questionable. 
I don’t see any applications for bullseye shooters since the hot thing these days is powder coated and the moly coating was touted for high velocity rounds.


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by beeser Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:19 pm

I should've mentioned this before but the reason for asking the question was Bear Creek Supply uses this coating on their bullets and I just ordered some 32 cal HBWCs from them.  In one of their FAQ answers they also stated that traditional lube grooves will eventually be eliminated from their bullets in favor of this coating.


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by troystaten Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:19 pm

I think Bear Creek moly coats their bullets or at least they used to.  I have shot their 38 special 148 grain bullets, they seemed to work ok out of a revolver.


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by Wobbley Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:51 pm

Moly coating on lead bullets is a different critter than moly coated jacketed rifle bullets.  The moly coating on lead pistol bullets is moly in a resin or polymerized coating.  Similar to (but not THAT similar) these Hi-Tek coatings.  Just that they have moly.  Iindustrial uses are DRI-film lube coatings.  They have been used to lube cast bulkets on and off for some time and they seem benign.

Moly coated rifle bullets were tumbled in dry Molybdenum Disulfide powder to coat the bullets.  When fired in a rifle barrel, the moly was supposed to help ease the transition of the bullet through the bore.  The unbonded moly was left behind and was very difficult to remove.  As a long time rifle shooter and aerospace engineer, I was VERY skeptical of the benefits of this wonder idea.  But, as usual in rifle shooting, So-and-So shot a very high score one day and, of course, it was his moly-coated bullets that were the difference.  So everyone jumps on the bandwagon because it’s the “next best thing”.  But I digress...

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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by rich.tullo Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:06 pm

I like Brazos Bullets, the dam things virtually eliminate the need to ever clean a 45ACP with VV310 or WST.

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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by blindshooter Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:27 pm

I shot all moly coated bullets in a Krieger 20in .223 service rifle tube back in the late 90's. It went to about 6k before starting to fail.
It was more trouble than it was worth, Had another Krieger barreled rifle with same vintage tube and it went about the same round count without the moly. They did clean up different, the moly barrel required a few passes with JB paste after a couple matches. I think the moly would build up too much without a scrub every so often.
Way more trouble than it was worth IMO.


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by DA/SA Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:49 pm

I shot some Moly coated bullets in .40 and .45 and thought I would never get the barrels clean again. It left a heavy gray streaky build up in the barrels. I tried different powders at the recommendation of the bullet manufacturer but never got  the mess to stop.

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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by pgg Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:40 pm

Boron nitride is supposed to be the new hotness in the bullet coating world


Disclaimer - I have never used either moly or BN in either rifle or pistol.


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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by Wobbley Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:13 pm

If there was ANY benefit to these coatings, believe me, the US Army would use them on their artillery projectile rotating bands.

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Moly Coated Bullets? Empty Re: Moly Coated Bullets?

Post by djhoran Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:06 am

We shot plenty of home-coated moly bullets while trying to decimate the prairie dog populations of several western states between 1996 and 2015. We used them in factory barrels exclusively. Once a factory barrel was incapable of the accuracy our pursuits required, the gun was rebarreled with a high-end barrel and moly was not introduced to that barrel. We mostly used moly in .223 and 22-250 chambered guns. To get the same velocity with moly, you had to use a bit more powder. Less resistance as the tip slid down the bore created lower pressures, we were told.
The biggest benefit to moly had to do with the needed frequency of barrel cleaning. Trying to hit something the size of a fat grey squirrel at 400 yards requires a fairly high degree of accuracy and consistency in the ammo. With moly, the cleaning was much less frequent on the factory barrels. You could tell from the feel of a patch on a jag whether the barrel was factory or custom. You could also tell if the barrel was dirty. The real way we knew a barrel needed a cleaning was when unexplained misses occurred. When shooting moly, we would often go 40-60 rounds between a cleaning. With bare jacketed tips you would be hard pressed to make it to 40 rounds and most of the time cleanings were done after 20-30 rounds. The cleaning process wasn't too bad with Kroil and JB Bore paste. 
We always had plenty of guns, usually 4 each, so that the barrels weren't too overheated during a hot session. There were some periods of an hour or more where shots were taken just about as fast as you could drop one on the follower, close the bolt and squeeze off a quality shot. 400-800 rounds per man per day were pretty common and all trips were a week or longer. Yeah, we could wear out a barrel in 1-2 trips.


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