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Effect of varying projectile weight?

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Effect of varying projectile weight? Empty Effect of varying projectile weight?

Post by beeser Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:29 pm

One of the problems I'm having in swaging projectiles is maintaining a consistent weight.  After my last frustrating attempt I weighed a few commercially made 32 cal. cast projectiles and found they too varied plus or minus 3 grs.  Before I get too tied up in a knot trying to improve my process is it all that important in terms of consistent shot outcome to have projectiles with little variance in weight?


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Effect of varying projectile weight? Empty Re: Effect of varying projectile weight?

Post by REConley Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:45 pm

At one time I shot High Power Rifle out to 500 meters. The 168/190 .308 bullets I used were sorted into three groups around the specified weight. Low, high or as specified. There was a significant reduction in group size at 200 yards (1/2 inch average) with any of the three lots as compared to random bullets. It was enough that I continued the sort until I stopped competition. I would suggest you establish a +/- range and do the three lot sort and then let the 50 yard groups decide this for you.

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Effect of varying projectile weight? Empty Re: Effect of varying projectile weight?

Post by fc60 Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:45 pm


When I swage bullets from 20:1 cast slugs, I can hold +/- 0.2 grains easily with either a 65 grain SWCHB (32 ACP) or a 98 grain HBWC. (32 Long WadCutter)

You should telephone Corbin and describe your process and try to find out what is going wrong.

Small variations in weight are not as detrimental as the base of the bullet being filled out properly.

Your experience with commercially cast bullets is a good lesson pertaining to quality control.



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