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Which sights for GI 1911?

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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by ddivins 5/5/2013, 4:08 pm

I recently bought an RIA GI 1911. It's primary job is nightstand duty. However, I think it may make a passable hardball gun on the cheap.

I really don't care for the GI sights and want to replace them. i recognize this will probably entail milling. So the question is, what do I put on them? What style grooves do I get milled?



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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Re: Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by Dr.Don 5/5/2013, 6:42 pm

Before you spend a bunch of money on sights for hardball, you might want to try to test it. It may not group on a baseball hat at 50 yds bone stock. I know...it's hard to even test with the sights on it now and without a Ransom rest. Also consider that the sights you would choose for hardball are far from ideal for nightstand duty. The old Bomars went right into the stock dovetail and included a front sight you could stake on where the stock sight is now. You had to drill and tap a hole for the adjustment screw, but that was simple enough. I don't know who makes a Bomar knockoff now.

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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Re: Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by Rob Kovach 5/5/2013, 8:24 pm

Here are some options. I have meprolight sights on my Browning High Power and I like those. I also like the trijicon style ones because they look more "factory".

Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Re: Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by BE Mike 5/6/2013, 9:36 am

If you seriously intend to make this a hardball gun, then blocky adjustable sights are a must. If you can't find a set of adjustable sights here, you are really very hard to please: http://www.theshootersbox.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=128_144
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Re: Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by ddivins 5/7/2013, 9:05 pm

BE Mike, thanks!

These look like a nice compromise:



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Which sights for GI 1911? Empty Re: Which sights for GI 1911?

Post by BE Mike 5/8/2013, 9:59 am

If I were in your shoes and knowing what I know, I'd get this one: http://www.theshootersbox.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=10604&zenid=13s8pa12cv3r9nl3if9d3i8np3

You're going to find out, if you stay in bullseye that trying to make a target pistol serve dual purposes usually doesn't work out so well. The pistol will usually do one or the other well, but not both.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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