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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by Sklobe 5/20/2021, 11:59 am

Anyone have a preferred, accurate, low recoil 45 ACP commercial ammo solution, for Bullseye in a RO 1911?

I'm looking at several lower recoil commercial ammo options. I haven't taken up reloading as I don't have the time and components are about as difficult to find as ammo these days. If I had the time, I'd be looking for Gunny Zins ammo specs for reloading them myself. 

Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Target is my platform.

Does anyone have a recommendation? I picked up some SPEER Lawman Handgun Training 45 Auto, 185 grain TMJ flat nose, 1050 FPS and they seem lower recoil with decent accuracy, though I've not ransom rested to see where they grouping without my interference. They hold within the repair center at 50 yards much of the time in the black, likely tighter with someone else behind the trigger.

Creedmoor Ammo 45 ACP 185 gr HAP, 950 fps, is pretty good on the elbow, very accurate but tough to find in stock if CMP doesn't have them. I had one failure to feed that was likely a fluke, but certainly don't want that in a match. 

I'm looking at these Winchester options, but open to any others. Anyone have any good experience with these? How is the felt recoil with these vs. 230 grain ball ammo?

Super Clean 160 Grain, Zinc FMJ, 1100 FPS Muzzle Velocity, W45LF product code
Super X, 185 Grain Zinc FMJ, 910 FPS Muzzle Velocity, WC451 product code
Winchester Service.45 ACP 185 Grain JSW, UPC:020892223028 (can't find ballistics data on these and I'm not sure CMP allows a Jacked Semi Wadcutter) CMP Rule: 4.4.1 Service Pistol Ammunition
Service Pistol competitors may use any safe ammunition that is loaded with metal-jacketed or metal-plated bullets. Non-jacketed, wad-cutter or lead bullets may not be used.
I'm looking for something less than a buck a blast list price.  lol!


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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by SonOfAGun 5/20/2021, 2:08 pm

A good question to be asked at any time, but unfortunately not a good time to hear the answer.

My similar research has lead me to rozedist.com, where in happier times one could buy 185 or 200 gr. SWC. But right now you'll set the phrase "Sorry, we are currently sold out.... Please check back later."

It's been that way for over 14 months.


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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by Guest 5/20/2021, 3:05 pm

IMHO, the very best is ASYM 185JHP - but as mentioned by SonOfAGun - everything is not available at present.

I have read that Atlanta Arms Elite 185JHP is also top quality, but I have not had an opportunity to try it.

The Zero 185JHP normally sold by Roze(Zero) offers a much less expensive option (they have a cheaper line which are "reloads" in mixed brass), I have found it to be similar recoil, etc., but maybe not quite as consistent.

I was told that Federal Gold Medal Match 185 jacketed semi-cutter was top quality, but I found that the very short stubby bullets did not feed well in some guns and I could never get a really good group in my guns at 50 yards.

There might be other options that I have not tried / heard of, but it seems that anything with a 185JHP bullet will likely be good at 50 yards. AFAIK.


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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by chiz1180 5/20/2021, 3:41 pm

As stated by others Zero, Atlanta Arms, Federal Gold medal match, ASYM are all good options. A handful of smaller commercial loaders exist (name escape me at the moment)too that offer similar loads but I have no first hand experience. I personally have had good success with Zero.

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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by SteveT 5/20/2021, 7:58 pm

The manufacturers mentioned all offer excellent accuracy, but not necessarily low recoil. Federal GM was a bit lighter recoil than the others. AA and Zero rounds are lighter than +p, but not puffball loads.

The 185 and 200 gr factory target loads will be lighter recoiling than 230 ball loads, but still fairly stout.

If you want light loads, you need to load your own.

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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by Centerline 5/20/2021, 11:59 pm

I've had very good luck with the Winchester 185g Target FMJ.  I used them before I started reloading and they made a very good group at 50yd for me.


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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by Vinkemulder 5/22/2021, 11:24 am

There are many accurate 45 rounds Atlanta 185JHP, Federal Gold Medal Match 185, ASYM 185 JHP.  BUT, the only one I would consider both low recoil and accurate is the ASYM 185JHP.  

This ammo shortage will pass and you will be able to buy them again.

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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

Post by troystaten 5/22/2021, 10:30 pm

If you can find it Federal Gold Medal Match 185 grain fmj is good good stuff, runs about 770 FPS.


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Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP? Empty Re: Best Low recoil commercial 45 ACP ammo (< 230 gr projectile) suitable for Bullseye FMJ or JHP?

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