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388 spl different cases-sorting

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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by djhoran Mon May 24, 2021 11:02 pm

I recently came into a few thousand 38 special cases. Many are once fired WW +P and will be used for ICORE loads with bullets that project well outside the case mouths. Stuff in the 150-160gr range in swc or rn shapes where the thicker +P cases won't give issues of bulging.
My question is about how to most efficiently sort the rest of the cases. Some have 2 lines around them, some have one line low on the case, some have one line high on the case and others have no line. There are several common brands and a few stragglers that are oddballs.
Have you found a difference between R-P with 2 lines and W-W 2 liners, for instance?


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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by kjanracing Mon May 24, 2021 11:21 pm

I sort the nickel from the brass cases. That’s as far as I go.

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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by Wobbley Tue May 25, 2021 12:06 am

Sort by make and +p vs “normal”.  As far as the case cannelures go, it makes no difference.  And I have the data to prove it. 

For the record, I once shot a 99 on the 25 B8 target slow fire with flush seated HBWC in +P+ cases from my 52.  I called the 9.

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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by noylj Tue May 25, 2021 6:40 am

After testing, I don't sort--even for long line. 
Hint: test your gun and find out--just make sure you don't know which variable you're testing


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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by oldsalt444 Tue May 25, 2021 11:12 am

I sort by manufacturer.  That's just because I'm anal that way.  I don't worry about +p, +p+, cannelures or any of that.  Each company has slightly different thicknesses and brass compositions.  Honestly, I don't think it makes any difference.  I've shot equally good scores using mixed brass.  38 Spl pressures are too low to have any significant impact on those minor differences.  Same with 45 ACP.  The USAMU has done tests on this and found no significant differences.

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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by Kp321 Wed May 26, 2021 9:51 am

The only 38 load I sort cases for is my HBWC loads. The soft lead bullet is sensitive to variations in case thickness and hardness. Probably any commercial non+P case would be fine but I have lots of R-P brass cases so that’s what I use. Using mixed cases including GI, really opened up the groups which I blamed on the GI brass.


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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by tray999 Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:15 am

When I was shooting a lot of PPC we/I never sorted any of our brass.   We were shooting 1000 rounds a week for practice and we never found any issues with accuracy between manufactures.....    We kept reloading them until the cases spilt.    We must have reloaded those cases 10 to 20 times before being trashed.

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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by expendable Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:38 am

What about different lengths between the manufactures and the crimp, is that a concern?


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388 spl different cases-sorting Empty Re: 388 spl different cases-sorting

Post by tray999 Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:37 pm

expendable wrote:What about different lengths between the manufactures and the crimp, is that a concern?

When I was shooting PPC, I loaded ten's of thousands of rounds as I mentioned earlier and never had an issue with case length or crimp.   We used our department's Star loader and used the classic 38 special 148 wad cutter over 2.8 grains of Bullseye.  Our PPC gun's were able to hold X-ring at 50 yards and we Ranson tested our pistols once or twice a season using the above reloads.

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