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BE in Pittsburgh PA??

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BE in Pittsburgh PA?? Empty BE in Pittsburgh PA??

Post by TAJ45 6/11/2013, 11:19 pm

Mayb be a bit premature but looking at a job in the Pitt. PA area. Any active BE clubs? How about outdoor ranges that don't need your first born and his first born to join?

Thanks, Tom
NRA Life '76

PS Forgot to ask where I can order a case or two of CCI Std for normal prices...........a little levity there. lol!


Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-06-10

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BE in Pittsburgh PA?? Empty Re: BE in Pittsburgh PA??

Post by Wingshot 6/11/2013, 11:27 pm

Google McDonald Sportsman Association. We are shooting indoors, rimfire (for now) the 2nd Friday of the month starting at 7pm. The club is approximately 30 min. SW of Pgh and I just got approval to buy a five point target turner system and we will be preparing to move outdoors and shoot full matches. PM me and I can give you my contact info, we'd love to have you shoot with us.

Posts : 112
Join date : 2013-02-07
Age : 64
Location : South West Pennsylvania

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