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BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by ser2711 9/29/2021, 9:12 am

I still have a lot of Small Rifle "Bench Rest Primers" as now I don't do any more Benchrest, I can I use in place to the Small Pistol primers to reload pistol cartridges with out problems?


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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by SteveT 9/29/2021, 11:38 am

Yes... but. They are the same size, so they can fit and will do the job. They probably are a little bit hotter than typical pistol primers, so you may want to bring the charge down a tenth or so.

Or, trade them with someone who needs them. If you are anywhere near Chicago, I'll trade you. PM me and we can get together.

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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by ser2711 9/30/2021, 12:14 am

Thank you for the information but I live in Italy...


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Location : Milano

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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by troystaten 9/30/2021, 1:02 am

Finding somebody to trade with is a great idea, if not load one with no bullet or powder and see if your pistol will fire them.  You did not say what you are shooting them in but if they do fire in your pistol you might start with a couple of tenths of a grain less powder as a starting point.  If you had a chronograph that would help.


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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by ser2711 9/30/2021, 1:52 am

Ok, Thank you, I will try to fire.. but you said that cause the BR primer are more hard to fire due of the thickness of the material? Or what is it the difference?


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Location : Milano

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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by SteveT 9/30/2021, 6:23 am

Yes, I didn't think of it earlier, but rifle primers are usually thicker and require a harder primer strike to ignite.

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BR Primers  to PISTOL Primers Empty Re: BR Primers to PISTOL Primers

Post by Wobbley 9/30/2021, 10:47 am

If the pistol is a 9mm “service pistol” (usually carried by police or military) they usually have stronger firing mechanisms so you should be OK. These would include Glock, CZs, Beretta, and most SIGs. BUT before I loaded a big bunch I’d try them in a 50 round test and see if the pistol as-is would tolerate them. Drop the powder by .2 grains for this experiment.

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