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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

Post by Michael C 10/1/2021, 12:06 pm

I have a 9mm RO that I replaced the bushing with an EGW angled and a 200 slide stop.  It has the factory 1-16 barrel.  With WWB 115s it shoots well but I only have 50 ft range to test.  Can anyone point me to a starting load with bullseye or one of the other powders I have?  I’d like to goof around with it and shoot it at a club match in the center fire portion of the match with the 115g HAP.

Michael C

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Join date : 2012-12-12

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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty Re: 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

Post by Allgoodhits 10/1/2021, 1:55 pm

This may be helpful. I use the Zero 115 gr Conical JHP in my 9mm AccuracyX gun with a slide mounted Aimpoint H1. I have a 16lb recoil spring. My oal is about 1.080" and I use 4.4 gr of W231 which is very similar if not the same as HP-38. 50 yd accuracy about 2" with multi fired used Federal brass.

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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty Re: 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

Post by james r chapman 10/1/2021, 2:22 pm

Hp38 and ww231 is indeed the same product
james r chapman
james r chapman

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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty Re: 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

Post by Kp321 10/1/2021, 2:39 pm

4.0 of Bullseye or 4.2 of 231 with a RMR 115 Match Winner is my go to accuracy load for everything from my Shield to my 952.


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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty Re: 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

Post by Michael C 10/6/2021, 12:41 pm

Just a follow up, I  shot 4.0g of bullseye with 115g HAP seated at 1.100 and it seemed on call at 50 yards.  25 yard groups were as good as I could shoot them.  Very pleasant to shoot in the RO.

Michael C

Posts : 73
Join date : 2012-12-12

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9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x Empty Re: 9mm SA RO loads 115g HAP with Bullseye, Unique, HP38, or 700x

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