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CCW Insurance

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CCW Insurance Empty CCW Insurance

Post by Dockokol 10/15/2021, 11:51 am

This is completely off topic for bullseye, so if its outside of the board rules, my appologies.  I am due to renew my CCW insurance and wanted to know if anyone has actual experience or knows of anyone who actually used their policy as it was designed?  All of the players in this field have great looking web pages, but I cant find reviews or references from actual users.

Doc Kokol


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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by xman 10/15/2021, 5:51 pm

Try US Law Shield. . Has videos, testimonials, example of events. A lot of good info. 
I am a member in Texas. but coverage is nation wide with few exceptions, 24 hour access to REAL legal help/advice/assistance in your local area for ANY self defense usage, firearms, knife, fists, and other self defense events.
I have no monetary relationship to US Law Shield. Just a member.

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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by zanemoseley 10/15/2021, 6:24 pm

Seems like paying for something you'll have a .00001% of ever needing...


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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by xman 10/15/2021, 7:45 pm

zanemoseley wrote:Seems like paying for something you'll have a .00001% of ever needing...
US law Shield also covers all civil suits arising from the use of a weapon of any kind. Also bail coverage.  The cost for defending a self defense claim can run into the triple figures. The is no cap on coverage. Has family coverage options too, and more.

Go to the web site an see. Unless your wealthy enough to absorb the costs of a self defense claim and the civil suit that always follow. Just saying.

It is cheap insurance.

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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by dannyd93140 10/15/2021, 7:47 pm

Look at CCW safe best bang for the buck

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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by RodJ 10/17/2021, 3:03 am

Haven’t had a CHL in some years and decided to re-up for convenience of FFL transfers and discounts on fees. Instructor couldn’t “recommend” an insurance carrier, but “offered” that she uses US Law Shield.  Xman is correct - in an emergency, a real lawyer skilled in the area of law will answer 24/7 and it covers all kinds of use of deadly force and other issues (arrests, answer questions about other states if traveling…) Cheap insurance if you carry or travel with guns.  You can get endorsements for other states if you travel.  

Interesting story - friend of hers is also a firearms instructor.  On a plane with weapons checked, gets diverted to CHICAGO!  No flights out. Refused to claim her baggage. Airline didn’t like it. Ultimately negotiated with authorities that she would take the guns, rent a car, and drive several ours straight out of state to another airport… with a trunkload of AR’s and handguns.  She had national coverage. 

It covers more than just deadly force. I’m getting it.


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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by Colt711 10/17/2021, 7:12 am

Massad Ayoob has written a shoot will cost $40 to 50k. I presume if it involves charges and/or court.

Ron Habegger


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CCW Insurance Empty Re: CCW Insurance

Post by REConley 10/17/2021, 1:09 pm

Colt711 wrote:Massad Ayoob has written a shoot will cost $40 to 50k. I presume if it involves charges and/or court.

Ron Habegger

Do not think the insurance covers anything after "Charges" are filed until the charges are dropped or one is found not guilty.
One can not buy insurance to compensate you for consequences of commenting crime. 
The insurance industry term is "Murder" insurance and pretty sure it is illegal in all States.  

You may have to front end the attorney fees and other cost.

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