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Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets

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Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets Empty Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets

Post by fc60 10/31/2021, 6:13 pm


Nice sunny day so I went testing. I loaded six different 0.314" 98 grain bullets with identical cases, primers, powder, ect.

I had some older Lapua 98 HBWC and some of the recent offering, with the different lube, and neither would stay on the repair center at 50 yards!

My trusted H&N bullets shot one hole at 50 yards for a 200X20.

A former US Pistol Team Member gifted me some Lapua 83 and 98 grain commercial ammo a while back. Both shot close to X-ring at 50 yards. So, the Lapua bullet is capable of good accuracy. Sadly, I have not discovered the formula.

So, I ask the members of the BaloneyNet for results of their testing.

Bear in mind, I seek only scans or photos of actual groups at 50 yards.

"Shoots better than I can" has no value to me nor anyone else.



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Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets Empty Re: Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets

Post by john bickar 10/31/2021, 9:09 pm

I'm having trouble reading my spreadsheets on my phone (handing out Halloween candy right now). I found evidence of groups from 2.3" to 2.6" (and some larger) with factory Lapua ammo with my GSP and your barrel.

I know I have tested the Lapua 83gn HBWC. Can't find the results right now. My recollection was that they were sweet-shooting but not 50-yard accurate.

I don't know that I ever got my hands on the 98gn HBWC for reloading.

Will try to dig up more for you when I'm at a keyboard.
john bickar
john bickar

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Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets Empty Re: Lapua 0.314" HBWC Bullets

Post by john bickar 11/1/2021, 11:40 am

Found more information. I do not have it explicitly written down in my notes, and I don't believe that I have any of the bullets left, but I'm almost certain that these were with the Lapua 83gn HBWC.

2.04gn Win 231, 4.90" at 50 yards (no chronograph information)

1.56gn WST, 3.14" at 50 yards (no chronograph information)

1.64gn 452AA, 4.05" at 50 yards (9 shots within 2.61"), 733.1 mean FPS, 15.3 SD
john bickar
john bickar

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Join date : 2011-07-09
Age : 100
Location : Menlo Park, CA

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