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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun? Empty Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

Post by shoot308 Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:40 pm

Shot some of my wad gun loads in my iron sight 45 and wow, big difference in recoil. I have a 16 1/2 lb spring in iron sight gun 10 in wad. Going to be shooting an indoor league and want to practice irons for chasing leg points next year. Should I just roll with it or drop the load down some?


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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun? Empty Re: Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

Post by Deerspy Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:47 pm

some time back 40 years for in door we would take the stock 16 lb spring and cut two coil then load 200 gr SWC with 3.6 gr BE and shoot the x ring out at 25 yards. iron sights.


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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun? Empty Re: Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

Post by chiz1180 Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:37 pm

If you are chasing service pistol points, use your match load or as close as possible. Any major change is a potential excuse for poor shot process execution.

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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun? Empty Re: Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

Post by WesG Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:54 pm

My off the rack SA A-1 functions fine with a 160 Brazos load my MD2 slide mount LB NM chokes on with a 10lb spring. So I'd say practice with whatever you've got a stock of and transition into 'legal' ammo once you're reaching an EIC competence level somewhere above 'leg meat'.


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Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun? Empty Re: Differnce in loads between a wad and iron sight gun?

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