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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Jon Eulette
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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by 824tsv 2/12/2022, 5:23 pm

I've never seen a modification like this before and I'm curious as what the more experienced members can tell me about it. Note the "pin" on the top of the grip safety. What is it for?
Also, while I'm at it is it necessary to depress the trigger and hold the hammer back on chambering the first round on Giles pistols as you do with Clark pistols?

Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature 3682a510

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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by Jon Eulette 2/12/2022, 5:33 pm

The added tab on the grip safety is probably to prevent over cocking of the hammer. I’m curious if there is a hammer modification that made this necessary? I do know that some Colt hammers after trigger jobs would have the hammer stick back and not fire. Probably from short sear.
I recommend on any BE pistol with spur hammer to hold hammer down during loading with non-firing hand thumb. No need to pull the trigger when loading this way.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by Tripscape 2/12/2022, 8:44 pm

I recommend on any BE pistol with spur hammer to hold hammer down during loading with non-firing hand thumb. No need to pull the trigger when loading this way.
Jon, why is that? I don't understand the logic of this.


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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by Jon Eulette 2/12/2022, 9:46 pm

When letting the slide slam forward the hammer can/will bounce on the sear and can prematurely wear or damage the engagement surfaces. So we obviously want it to last as long as possible. Many, many 2.5# 38’s will have/get hammer follow if you don’t either hold hammer to the rear or hold trigger to the rear when letting the slide go forward.
Also, on old school ball guns it was not uncommon for a pistol to fire during loading without doing what I previously described. Many old school shooters won’t admit it, but it was too common of an incident. Especially with old factory parts and minimal sear engagement. I personally know a Army shooter whose ball gun went full auto during loading. Shot number 5 went through the bill of his headgear. Lucky only 5 rds loaded and not 6!
My method of loading with four hammer; grip pistol with right hand. Hold hammer down with left hand thumb and depress slide stop with left hand index finger. Army used to teach this. Commander hammer screwed this up. I hold trigger to rear with commander hammer.
Hopefully this explains/answers your question.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by Tripscape 2/12/2022, 11:43 pm

Thanks Jon! I did not think of hammer follow on heavier hammer. Makes sense. Though when building a trigger job and general safety checks I thought that dropping slide 5-10 times to assure no hammer follow is #1 protocol.


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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by Jon Eulette 2/12/2022, 11:50 pm

Tripscape wrote:Though when building a trigger job and general safety checks I thought that dropping slide 5-10 times to assure no hammer follow is #1 protocol.
Yes it’s a good practice during a trigger job!
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Post by chopper 2/13/2022, 2:31 am

Jon, what you said in paragraph about that hammer tab, is what's starting to happened on my AMT Hardballer. I quit shooting it because the extractor won't hold tension very long, it's the original stainless one. I bet the hammer, sear, and disconnect are original too. I can pull the hammer back and it would go all the way back and stay. It kind of feels like it's over centered.
 Maybe some day I'll get it fixed and use it for Service pistol events.


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Post by robbt 2/13/2022, 3:36 am

hi 824, can you please post a picture of the top lips
on the modified magazine , i have a odd ball, trying to determine who made my odd ball mag, please post, many thanks, robbt42


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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by 824tsv 2/13/2022, 12:51 pm

The pistol came with (2) OEM Colt .38 Mid Range magazines with the split feed lips.

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Post by Drawman623 2/14/2022, 9:33 pm

Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature D4989e10
Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature F30e3e10

All .38 mid range. My Giles doesn’t have the grip safety spur. Interesting


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Post by troystaten 2/15/2022, 3:42 am

Neat pistols Drawman, who did the other 5" model?


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Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature Empty Re: Giles .38Spl Wadcutter odd feature

Post by BE Mike 2/15/2022, 2:59 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:When letting the slide slam forward the hammer can/will bounce on the sear and can prematurely wear or damage the engagement surfaces. So we obviously want it to last as long as possible. Many, many 2.5# 38’s will have/get hammer follow if you don’t either hold hammer to the rear or hold trigger to the rear when letting the slide go forward.
Also, on old school ball guns it was not uncommon for a pistol to fire during loading without doing what I previously described. Many old school shooters won’t admit it, but it was too common of an incident. Especially with old factory parts and minimal sear engagement. I personally know a Army shooter whose ball gun went full auto during loading. Shot number 5 went through the bill of his headgear. Lucky only 5 rds loaded and not 6!
My method of loading with four hammer; grip pistol with right hand. Hold hammer down with left hand thumb and depress slide stop with left hand index finger. Army used to teach this. Commander hammer screwed this up. I hold trigger to rear with commander hammer.
Hopefully this explains/answers your question.
They used to teach this at the Small Arms Firing School at Perry. In addition, they taught to grip the pistol with the shooting hand, gripping hard and extending the shooting arm straight and firm. This was in case the non-shooting thumb, holding the hammer back slipped off the hammer.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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