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38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ????

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38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ???? Empty 38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ????

Post by Head Shot 4/7/2022, 10:13 am

I have come into possesion of a 38-45 ACP Clerke pistol with several 38/45 cal clerke bbls in a 1991 platform.
I have ammo and this things a hoot to shoot.
I also ran into a set of forming dies to make the 38-45 acp case from 45acp cases and its got an extra form die.
What id like to find is a reloading die set for the 38-45 acp clerke .
Does anyone have a set for sale or know where one is to be had???
Im aware of rcbs but they are out and ch4d doesnt have any on hand till later in the year.
Thank you Head Shot    Eklb1156@gmail.com

Head Shot

Posts : 7
Join date : 2022-03-10

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38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ???? Empty Re: 38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ????

Post by shanneba 4/7/2022, 11:11 am

Redding shows them as a Custom die set.

Midway lists them with an Estimated In-Stock if ordered today: 05/21/2022
Redding 2-Die Set 38-45 ACP (midwayusa.com)


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38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ???? Empty Re: 38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ????

Post by Head Shot 4/7/2022, 6:38 pm

well holy smokes didnt figure midway would even have yet get them :-)
Qeuss ill have to call and check that out .
Thank you
Head Shot

Head Shot

Posts : 7
Join date : 2022-03-10

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38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ???? Empty Re: 38-45 ACP (Clerke ) Reloading Dies ????

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