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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Empty Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

Post by fc60 Sun May 22, 2022 12:09 pm


I did a test of 32 ACP ammo Saturday.

One batch loaded with 1.51 grains of VV N310 (three-ten) and Remington 1 1/2 primers.

The second batch was with some old Federal 205 Small Rifle primers.

I could not discern any major difference...

Targets fired at 50 yards with a Pardini factory barrel, no choke, in a mechanical fixture.

Bullet was a home swaged 65 grain SWC-HB, 0.314".


Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Attachment
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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Attachment
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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Empty Re: Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

Post by Jon Eulette Sun May 22, 2022 12:21 pm

Fantastic Dave!
Looks like you discovered the perfect bullet shape/design. Out of curiosity have you tried running them slower? 
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Empty Re: Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

Post by john bickar Sun May 22, 2022 1:12 pm

That dog'll hunt. I like how your methods show the importance of actually testing, and that ES and SD don't mean a whole lot in terms of velocity for pistol cartridges.

What's the profile of a 65 gn HBSWC look like?
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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Empty Re: Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

Post by dannyd93140 Sun May 22, 2022 2:21 pm

I use both in my 38 special loads no problems yet.  Used 20,855 WSR in my 32/20 TC all shot great.

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Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers??? Empty Re: Small Rifle or Small Pistol Primers???

Post by WesG Mon May 23, 2022 2:24 pm

The 205 has a reputation for being a mild primer. And the cups are on the soft side for a rifle primer. I'm not too surprised it works well in a pistol cartridge as well.

I've got some old(er) Russian primers that would probably work well also. Copper cups that don't hold up well to 'normal' rifle loads, .223, BR, etc. Limited testing suggests they're excellent in my 218 Bee. May have to try them in my light 32 HR and 9mm revolver loads.


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