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Optics rail question

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Optics rail question Empty Optics rail question

Post by faraim 5/24/2022, 9:03 am

I have two railed 1911's, both have Clark rails. Is there a full length rail that would position a red dot lower than the Clark rail?

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Optics rail question Empty Re: Optics rail question

Post by chiz1180 5/24/2022, 9:44 am

Depends on your optic and what rings you may be using. I have a Kodiak machine 9000 mount on my wadgun, it is about as low as you could comfortably get with a 30mm tube dot. Theoretically you could probably get a bit lower with a micro or a 1" tube, but I have not went down that path.

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Optics rail question Empty Re: Optics rail question

Post by Michael C 5/24/2022, 9:50 am

I believe there are a couple of smiths (KC, and John Shue) that mill a dovetail in the rear of the slide that you can mount a micro on. I think there couldn’t be anything lower.
My buddy has one like that. It’s pretty slick.

Michael C

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Optics rail question Empty Re: Optics rail question

Post by mikemyers 5/24/2022, 10:58 am

faraim wrote:......Is there a full length rail that would position a red dot lower than the Clark rail?
Jon Eulette, from this forum, made a rail that was low and light.  You may want to send him a message, and ask if he has more of them in stock.   

I bought one of them, and liked it so much I bought another, which I've since used on a different gun.

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Optics rail question Empty Re: Optics rail question

Post by zanemoseley 5/24/2022, 12:46 pm

I don't think Jon's rail is much lower, just lighter due to cuts on the bottom. I could be wrong though, would be worth asking him.


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