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Leaded brass

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Leaded brass Empty Leaded brass

Post by joeangi 5/27/2022, 12:03 pm

I have been having what I consider to be an unusual amount of leading in my revolver cylinders. I even had a thread under “excessive leading”. I am noticing that I am also getting leading in my brass. I don’t ever remember seeing it to this degree. The brass in the photos has been wet tumbled with ss pins and dawn/ car soap. It has been tumbled approx 3 hours ( longer than usual). I actually ran it a third time for another hour to see if it would reduce the leading. Load is 3.1 gr of w231, brass expanded with photo escape PTU. Precision delta match lube 148 HBWC. Don’t sweat the small stuff, or pitch brass and move on?

Having trouble with pic. I will post and see if I can ad pic
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Age : 60
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Leaded brass Empty Re: Leaded brass

Post by javaduke 5/27/2022, 1:05 pm

Yep, I see some lead in my .38Spl brass all the time, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on accuracy or the reloading process, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
If your ammo and gun are accurate and your shots are on call, it's all that matters.


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Leaded brass Empty Re: Leaded brass

Post by joeangi 5/27/2022, 1:25 pm

Thank you- I won't sweat



Posts : 133
Join date : 2018-11-26
Age : 60
Location : Westchester, NY

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