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DR Grip question

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DR Grip question Empty DR Grip question

Post by scrum derringer 8/19/2013, 12:31 pm

I was wondering if these grips would be legal, as they appear to be similar to the Hogue grips with finger grooves. This would be on a Model 14.

DR Grip question Pachpic05138
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Location : Menomonee Falls, WI

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DR Grip question Empty Re: DR Grip question

Post by rvlvrlvr 8/19/2013, 2:03 pm

Fingergrooves are OK. Rubber grips are OK - nothing in the rules that disallows them.

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DR Grip question Empty Re: DR Grip question

Post by scrum derringer 8/19/2013, 2:46 pm

my concern is if the butt of the grip would be considered "flared." The picture isn't the best at showing it.
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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DR Grip question Empty Re: DR Grip question

Post by rvlvrlvr 8/19/2013, 2:50 pm

Ah, yes - I do know the profile of those grips might give them a flared look at the base, but I'm pretty sure the rule against flared bases was written to exclude truly anatomical/palm-rest-type grips (or the ones I've seen used in Action Pistol).

Hogue's square-butt Monogrips also have a slight flare at the butt, and I've never seen one disqualified at a DR match.

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DR Grip question Empty Re: DR Grip question

Post by dronning 8/19/2013, 3:06 pm

I just replaced my Hogue grips with the one you have pictured above because I had better shot recovery in sustained fire with the Pachmayr.  IMHO the base isn't flared at least in the ones I have.  A flare is something you can rest your hand on.  At least 2 others were shooting this same grip during the DR match at the MN State tournament last weekend.


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DR Grip question Empty Re: DR Grip question

Post by scrum derringer 8/19/2013, 9:46 pm

dronning wrote:I just replaced my Hogue grips with the one you have pictured above because I had better shot recovery in sustained fire with the Pachmayr.  IMHO the base isn't flared at least in the ones I have.  A flare is something you can rest your hand on.  At least 2 others were shooting this same grip during the DR match at the MN State tournament last weekend.

Works for me! thanks!
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Location : Menomonee Falls, WI

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