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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

james r chapman
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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by Iambware 7/13/2022, 5:13 pm

Greetings, new member here.  I just purchased a SP 22 for bullseye competition.  I was wondering which is a better choice for a red dot the matchdot 2 or the aimpoint micro.  

Also which  cases are people using to carry their gear now?  



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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by james r chapman 7/13/2022, 6:04 pm

I’m using a Holosun 403 with a Kodiak Machine base on mine.
The Holosun uses an Aimpoint footprint.
Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions 48834710
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by jimsteele 7/14/2022, 7:58 am

I can not offer an opinion on the aimpoint because I don't have any of them. I have more than a few ultra dots though.
   When I bought the Pardini, it came with a 30mm ultradot matchdot 2 .
 I considered swapping it immediately with a 25 mm ultradot, which until then was all that I had ever used, but decided to give it an honest try instead.
 Now, 6 months later, I'm glad I kept it on.
   I discovered that I like a 4mm dot best. It is bright enough for all my shooting conditions, uses very little battery (even when left on), has nice click adjustments, and a convenient, elevation adjuster behind the "on" knob.
  I like it.


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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by toddcfii 7/14/2022, 11:45 am

I ran Matchdots on my Pardinis for a couple years. They worked well. I have just switched to Aimpoint Micros. My practice scores have gone up immediately. I think the dot is much clearer and more round. I have an astigmatism and assumed the odd shape of the dot on the Matchdot was due to that. And I think it partially was. But the Aimpoint really is clearer and that has made a difference for me. Also with the Kodiak base the Aimpoint sits quite a bit lower which I like. The downside on the Aimpoint is price and you have to add in cost of aftermarket shades and a Kodiak mount. For the price the Matchdot is Very Good. The Aimpoint is Excellent in my opinion.

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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by RoyDean 7/14/2022, 12:37 pm

IMHO, the clearest, roundest dot of all is the basic 1" 4moa Ultradot (should survive well on a 22 - but many folks have reliability issues on the bigger guns). Buy some horizontal split low profile rings like these:- 


You may need to sharpen up the "bite" of the rings so that they work well with the Pardini micro-dovetail.

I don't like the 30mm Ultradot's, but others love them. Reliability is also an issue.

The Aimpoint H1 dot clarity is very much down to each individual's eye condition. Same goes for the other "micro" dots (SIG Romeo, STS, Holosun, etc.). I've owned them all.

The Aimpoint 9000 did not appeal to me initially due to the ungainly size and shape, but then I got to try one on a custom 1911 and immediately saw the positives. Many High Masters use 9000's, especially on 1911's. I now have 9000SC 4moa on most of my guns. Very good indeed.



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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by Iambware 7/21/2022, 11:06 am

Which 403 did you choose?  There are like 6 different versions.  
james r chapman wrote:I’m using a Holosun 403 with a Kodiak Machine base on mine.
The Holosun uses an Aimpoint footprint.
Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions 48834710


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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by Toz35m 7/21/2022, 11:59 am

I have used both 1" ultradot using https://www.weaveroptics.com/rings/detachable-top-mount-rings-1-inch/1000213.html this makes the dot sit very low.  This puts the dot on the Ultradot  .106" lower than the Aimpoint H-2.  I did need to cut part of the grip away so I could slide them back as far as possible.

I have tried an aimpoint micro with a Kodiak mount.  It was only 2MOA which I did not like.  I prefer the 4 MOA.  The Aimpoint is a better quality scope.  I have a 4 MOA Aimpoint on my 45 and it has a slightly smaller 4 MOA dot than the 1" Ultra dot.

It comes down to preference of dot size and the look of the dot. I have 4 1" ultradots and they are all a little different in size and shape of dot.

For me I have not seen a need on the ranges I shoot on to need shades on my 22.  The 45 needs them for sure to keep oil and debris off the front lens.

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Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions Empty Re: Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions

Post by james r chapman 7/21/2022, 1:25 pm

Iambware wrote:Which 403 did you choose?  There are like 6 different versions.  
james r chapman wrote:I’m using a Holosun 403 with a Kodiak Machine base on mine.
The Holosun uses an Aimpoint footprint.
Pardini SP 22 red dot and case suggestions 48834710

Well it’s the 403R , the others are G for green, and then models with solar.

They all work well
james r chapman
james r chapman

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