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Hammerli 208 birthday???

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Hammerli 208 birthday??? Empty Hammerli 208 birthday???

Post by jim fabanich 8/26/2022, 12:30 pm

I have a new to me 208 headed my way and was wondering if there is a magical way to tell what year it was produced. Serial number starts with 40xxx

jim fabanich

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Age : 59
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Hammerli 208 birthday??? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 birthday???

Post by fc60 8/26/2022, 12:39 pm


Might have some success dating the Proof Code.

Often two letters. I have seen some with the last two digits of the year.

Somewhere on the pistol is a series of stamps.

A little Googling may be required.



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Location : South Prairie, WA 98385

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