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Zero Poor QC

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Zero Poor QC Empty Zero Poor QC

Post by Rodger Barthlow 9/12/2022, 1:59 pm

I was running out of my stash of Star Special Match .45 185gr LWCHP special match before Perry and ordered 1000 Zero .45 185gr LWCHP
for back up bullets. Luckily, I found another 1000 of Star's I had stashed away so I loaded them for Perry and never opened the Zero's.
Today I opened the Zero's to load for a match this weekend and couldn't believe the poor quality of the bullets they had sent me. Deformed bases dented shoulders and poorly lubricated. I would have marked these as seconds compared to what I use to get from them before the pandemic which I still have a few hundred left to compare them to almost as bad as Precision Delta and there is no way they even come close to the Star Special Match.
I ran 100 threw my Lyman Luber Sizer to put some extra lube on them and try to fix the bases and square up the shoulders.
I was rewarded with sheared lead foil that I had to wipe off before I could use them.
I'll find out this weekend if I was able to save them from the melting pot.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

Posts : 405
Join date : 2013-08-10

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Zero Poor QC Empty Re: Zero Poor QC

Post by james r chapman 9/12/2022, 3:02 pm

Interested in ZERO’s response to your complaint.
james r chapman
james r chapman

Posts : 6414
Join date : 2012-01-31
Age : 75
Location : HELL, Michigan

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