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9mm bullet substitution

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9mm bullet substitution Empty 9mm bullet substitution

Post by faraim 9/14/2022, 1:53 pm

I have a case of Czech 9mm military blasting ammunition. From my non target grade handguns I get shotgun patterns of around 6" at 25 yards. My carry ammunition produces nice round 2" groups at that distance. I'm considering replacing the bullets and powder. I thought I'd buy some Hornady HAP bullets since they are affordable. Can anyone recommend a good powder for 25 yards. I have a good selection of powder for 45 ACP, such as Bullseye, WST, and 231. In the past I've always loaded 9mm with slower powders. If I'm successful with this I might consider having a 9mm wad gun built up. Gotta always look for new ways to spend money!

Last edited by faraim on 9/14/2022, 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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9mm bullet substitution Empty Re: 9mm bullet substitution

Post by Allgoodhits 9/14/2022, 2:19 pm

Of those 3 powders, the only one I have had any consistent accuracy success is W231. I was running 4.4gr W231 behind a Zero 115 JHP-C bullet loaded at 1.100" OAL.   I have had good success with VV N320 at 4.2gr with the same bullet and OAL.

N330 and WSF are supposedly good for 9mm Jacketed bullets as is Power Pistol. I have no experience with those.

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9mm bullet substitution Empty Re: 9mm bullet substitution

Post by LenV 9/14/2022, 2:41 pm

I load my 115 HAP with 6.4 gr of power pistol  with a COL  of 1. 077.  I've also used 4.6  Bullseye. The Power Pistol  is cleaner.

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9mm bullet substitution Empty Re: 9mm bullet substitution

Post by robert84010 9/15/2022, 9:25 am

VV330 or 340.

Power pistol makes fire balls. Len likes fire.


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9mm bullet substitution Empty Re: 9mm bullet substitution

Post by faraim 9/18/2022, 11:46 am

Thanks for the info. I loaded 231 under some 115 grain Zero JHP's and now have practice ammunition that might just be more accurate than my carry Gold Dot's and HST's.

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