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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA  Empty Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

Post by oldsalt444 10/19/2022, 2:55 pm

CCI LPP #300,  $85 a brick,  $425 a case (free shipping on a case).  

$30 hazmat

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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA  Empty Re: Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

Post by RodJ 10/19/2022, 6:36 pm

You know what’s “funny”, as in unexpected?  Ten cents per primer seems outrageously high.  Yet if someone offered me $100 for a brick, it wouldn’t be worth it to me.  They have a higher value in my mind, but I wouldn’t pay that.

Very weird perception of value these days.


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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA  Empty Re: Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

Post by Pinetree 10/19/2022, 7:40 pm

I just paid $200 for two bricks at a local gun show and thought it was a steal.

One of the guys in our pistol League recently suggested I can make some Bank by selling my stash, and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.


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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA  Empty Re: Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

Post by chopper 10/19/2022, 7:50 pm

One thing about all these trending prices, some people are shooting less practice but are dry firing a lot more. I am enjoying dry fire much more and calling shots has really improved with other fundamentals.


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Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA  Empty Re: Large Pistol Primers @ Target Sports USA

Post by RodJ 10/20/2022, 2:22 pm

chopper wrote:One thing about all these trending prices, some people are shooting less practice but are dry firing a lot more. I am enjoying dry fire much more and calling shots has really improved with other fundamentals.

Funny you say that. I may shoot only 25 rounds of 45 acp rarely 50 in a session. And I shoot at most 1x per week. Trying to make each shot count. 

I frequently just shoot .22

Balance is dry firing a few times a week.


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