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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

john bickar
Jack H
Rodger Barthlow
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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Tim:H11 11/12/2022, 10:00 am

I own a S&W Model 52-2 that I think is such an interesting gun. But I'm on the fence of sell it or keep it. 

I have sold plenty of guns in the past that later on I have regretted doing so. If I were to sell it, I fear one one day saying "yeah I used to have one of those.. they're cool.. shouldn't have sold it". 

I don't use it competitively and I probably never will although it is accurate. I just don't hardly shoot it. Originally it was one of those things I always wanted to have. When I finally got it, I enjoyed loading for it, and I enjoyed the challenge of trying to shoot it well, but I can't shoot it as well as I'd like to be able to. The grip frame size and shape is all wrong for me. I don't have any sentimental ties to the gun outside of I bought it with the winnings from my first big win. 

So do I sit on $1,200+ ish gun because it's cool... or sell it... I'm torn.

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by JRV 11/12/2022, 10:10 am

I am firmly on the side of “always buy never sell.”

I will part with a gun under two circumstances. 

1 - I genuinely do not like shooting that gun. 

2 - I have an immediate need for cash and no other means of getting it. 

If a gun is just hanging around, and that’s its only “flaw,” hold onto it. 

You may rediscover shooting it one day.  You may come into new cases or new powder or a new bullet mold or a new reloading manual that excites you to shoot that gun again.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by zanemoseley 11/12/2022, 1:51 pm

Well just depends on how much you want the cash to put forward to something else. If I sell a firearm it's always put into another gun related purchase lol.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Wobbley 11/12/2022, 1:57 pm

If I thought it’s still cool, I’d keep it.   But I’m like you, mine is accurate enough, but like most 38 Special reloaders, I’ve found that getting my reloads to the same accuracy level of (pre 1990s) factory ammo is difficult.  Lots of reasons for that.  So I live with the less than optimal performance and just shoot it.  It’s good for training if nothing else!

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Rodger Barthlow 11/12/2022, 3:14 pm

I owned one that was like brand new that I traded a High Standard Victor for 
and some cash. I tried my best to shoot that gun accurately and found it the most unforgiving gun I have ever owned and could shoot my 1911 45acp better. I finally got tired of fulling with it and sold it. I have never looked back or wish I had a second one. I even still have a barrel nut wrench for it.
I do have a custom built 1911 .38spl that I like a lot that I won't sell unless I really have to. I almost shoot it as good as I do my .45 and 38 Super.
Find a nice 1911 38spl and sell the 52.
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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by troystaten 11/12/2022, 3:33 pm

I have a 52-1 that I just got and it is a kick in the pants to shoot, I have always wanted one and finally got one.  As for selling I think JVR has it stated pretty well. The only things I would add would be to sell before you die because your heirs will not get what they are worth when they sell, the other would be I would sell the 52-1 if I could afford a custom 1911 in 38 special, since that is not likely to happen I will be keeping mine for some time.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by RodJ 11/12/2022, 5:17 pm

I’m going through this right now with a couple guns. I’ve developed this method. If no sentimental value, then I take the gun to the range and shoot it as well as I can. If the gun doesn’t twist my nut in some way, or annoys me in some way that can’t be changed, or I just dont shoot it as well as something similar, then I will likely sell it.

Variety is fun, and the mechanics of firearms are fascinating to me, but at some point I want my little “collection” to be a curated “best of” what I enjoy. Don’t want to spend time with things that aren’t fun, especially if someone else might enjoy it and I can put the money to something I want to try or upgrade. Plus, there’s still a ton of Model 52’s floating around. If nothing special about yours, the next one will be equally as unique, so to speak.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by chiz1180 11/12/2022, 5:37 pm

As cool as 52s are, they are not particularly scarce per say it is fairly easy to find one for sale. Later on if you want to repurchase one it should be possible. That said the only thing it cost you to keep it is what else you could put the funds towards. 

Personally I have a few things that are similar in cool value, don't really want to get rid of them but if doing so has a greater benefit than holding on to them, it may be time to pass those things along.

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by DA/SA 11/12/2022, 5:40 pm

I guess I'm a bit weird. I have always trained with the guns I didn't shoot well, and then see a marked improvement with the ones i do shoot well!

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by RodJ 11/12/2022, 6:08 pm

DA/SA wrote:I guess I'm a bit weird. I have always trained with the guns I didn't shoot well, and then see a marked improvement with the ones i do shoot well!

That right there is some real lemonade!


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Tim:H11 11/12/2022, 8:24 pm

DA/SA wrote:I guess I'm a bit weird. I have always trained with the guns I didn't shoot well, and then see a marked improvement with the ones i do shoot well!

Same reason I tell people to train air pistol from time to time. It's a difficult game that if you can progress in it helps with sight alignment, trusting your hold, and trigger control discipline.

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Sa-tevp 11/12/2022, 9:15 pm

Sell it if you want and know that if you feel regrets I'm sure you could provide a good home for my M52-2.

Or try shooting my M52 and see if it changes the decision making process. I have several grips and a Froneck trigger shoe installed.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Jack H 11/12/2022, 9:58 pm

I know the feeling.  I have been wanting to downsize a lot, being more old and decrepit all the time.  Smile
It is hard to pull the trigger on this. 
I have zero need for so many High Standards and MkII.  Or a SW 38/44, and more
So maybe coming soon to a Commercial Row near you.......
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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by john bickar 11/13/2022, 11:54 am

zanemoseley wrote:Well just depends on how much you want the cash to put forward to something else. If I sell a firearm it's always put into another gun related purchase lol.

My uncle sold me a Jack Best wad gun (more than) a few years ago. He said he was going to take the $1,000 and buy a set of golf clubs, "because if I didn't, I wouldn't have the gun, I wouldn't have the golf clubs, and I wouldn't have the thousand dollars!"

I went on to break 2650 four times and 2660 twice with that gun. I think we both made out on that deal.
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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by PhotoEscape 11/13/2022, 12:36 pm

Well, I'll offer somewhat controversial suggestion: view it as a part of college fund for little girl (longer term) or little boy (shorter by few years)!   If you monetize it now, it probably will result in better return.  But liquid funds tend to do exactly why they are called liquid - they tend to leak through our fingers like water, as we always find use for few dollars here and few dollars there.  If you hold onto this gun until it is time ........ you'll have funds then for sure.  But that's me, - I'm keeping couple 52s (and some others too) until my 9 months old grandson's tuition bill comes.

My 2 cents! Smile

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by rich.tullo 11/13/2022, 5:04 pm

It is a good investment in a 3 to 5 years those are going to be worth 2500.

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Tripscape 11/13/2022, 5:07 pm

I will offer a different view than AP.  M52 is a bullseye/precision centric pistol. Unfortunately the precision sports are losing populatiry. I feel that now is the time when older generation can afford to buy their dream pistols and middle aged generation still seeks these marvels of engineering. As time goes by this interest will fade and give way to plastic fantastic and action sports pistols a la CZ and 2011. Maybe now is the time to sell?  In my lgs there are few pistols set up for bullseye, High Standard and Ruger, but among 20 people there not one person even looked at them. Same in the other shop with a mint SW 17-3 on display.  They are becoming a thing of the past...unfortunately.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by weber1b 11/14/2022, 8:23 am

I have sold other stuff to buy guns, never the other way around. I have sold a gun to buy another one though.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by bruce martindale 11/14/2022, 11:12 am

The only way to ease that pain is o get it to a new or developing shooter

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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Jack H 11/14/2022, 3:22 pm

bruce martindale wrote:The only way to ease that pain is o get it to a new or developing shooter

I have done that........twice with 52s
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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by RodJ 11/14/2022, 6:01 pm

Well I just violated my own rule and sold a Eulette pistol, that I really like… but the funds are going towards improving a keepsake by sending it to Jon. I think that’s a good rationale. But it hurts.


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Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate  Empty Re: Oh boy... the "sell/not sell" debate

Post by Arthur 11/16/2022, 7:43 pm

Relevant for me too. I have 15 long guns at auction right now. It's important to note that my kids have no interest, so no estate considerations. All of my guns are for my pleasure alone. 
First step was to make an inventory list for keep / let go. Then I took everything out of the safes to think it over, that caused some changes to the list. Mostly average hunting guns went, but not the ones I really like a lot. I kept the best Savage 99 and two went (surprise), two pre 64 Model 70s in 30:06 stayed and the pristine .243 went. I never shoot my built M14 and it's worth some money, but boy, I like it a lot. Pride of ownership is enough for me to keep it. 
For me, it came down to what makes me the happiest. I would rather sell some myself now and have money to buy what I really like. The money from ammo and dies for calibers I no longer own just payed for a new Hammerli X-Esse. When the paper work clears, I will shoot a case thru that gun this winter. I had fun with each one of the ones that went, and some do hurt a little, but I'll have more fun with the ones to come. Nuguns 

Hope this helps. 

All the best. 


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